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Large-screen LCD color display advanced automatic
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HC-S007 can display the internal organs and systems of the human body in a comprehensive, multi-directional and intuitive way, and show the position of organs and systems in the human body in an accurate way, which is convenient for teaching and medical practice.

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This product combines the 2015 International Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Standard and the product features are fully upgraded.Its core modules include analog people, large-screen color LCD monitors, student information IC cards, and traumatic limb modules. It can perform first-aid operations such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation and traumatic wounds on limbs. It is suitable for social cardiopulmonary resuscitation training institutions, hospitals, medical schools, health schools, ens. Medical units are trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Material characteristics: The simulated human face can be used for three years without replacement.



This product combines the 2015 International Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Standard and the product features are fully upgraded.Its core modules include analog people, large-screen color LCD monitors, student information IC cards, and traumatic limb modules. It can perform first-aid operations such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation and traumatic wounds on limbs. It is suitable for social cardiopulmonary resuscitation training institutions, hospitals, medical schools, health schools, ens. Medical units are trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Material characteristics: The simulated human face can be used for three years without replacement.





Ons Dienste

• Betyds antwoord: Vir al jou navrae, ons sal ons bes probeer om binne te antwoord 24 ure

• Gehalteversekering: Dubbele kwaliteitkontrole voor versending, as kwaliteit probleem ons sal vergoeding gee.

• Betydse versending: Jou bestelling sal versend word sodra kwaliteitbeheer voltooi is

• Betyds na-verkope dienste: Enige na-verkope vraag sal binne beantwoord word 24 ure.


• Meer as 13 jare se ondervinding van vervaardiger van mediese toerusting

• Die verskaffing van hoogs koste-effektiewe mediese toerusting

• Professionele verkoops- en tegnikusspan verantwoordelik vir elkeen van julle vrae, en reg op die punt.

• Verskeie produkaanbevelings vir u verskillende behoeftes en verskillende begrotings.

Alle voltooide produkte moet deurgaan 4 tjeks in die hele proses:

1. Komponent inspeksie

2. In die verwerking inspeksie

3. Finale inspeksie voor verpakking

4. Kwaliteitbeheerkontrole voor versending

Gereelde vrae

V:How to bllaceorder of HC-S007 Large-screen LCD color display advanced automatic



• Eerstens bevestig ons produkbesonderhede en stuur dan die Proforma-faktuur,

• Jy maak betaling aan ons deur T/T, Western Union of MoneyGram,

• Nadat ons jou betaling bevestig het, stuur dan die produk na jou toe sodra produksie voltooi is.

V: Wat is jou waarborg?


• Vir die meeste produkte is die waarborg vir 12 maande, sommige produkte wat ons verskaf 18 maande waarborg.

• Vir die abdominale swangerskap ultraklank masjien wat ons verskaf 12 maande waarborg.

V: Wat is jou afleweringstyd?


• Oor die algemeen is dit 5 werksdae indien goedere in voorraad is. Binne 10 werksdae as die goedere produksie benodig,

• And also the delivery time depends on quantity.For HC-S007 Large-screen LCD color display advanced automatic is aflewering vir 10 dae.

V: Hoe om die produk te stuur?


• Die versendingswyse hang gewoonlik af van jou hoeveelheid, totale CBM en gewig.

• Ons het ons eie versendingsmaatskappy om die beste versendingskoste te verskaf

As jy probleme het oor ophthalmology , of wil meer besonderhede oor veearts toerusting weet, Laboratorium masjien, Hopital Meubels, ens.

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