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sperm analysis machine with software for people or for animals
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HC-B028V is a semen analysis instrument combining computer technology and image processing technology. It can quickly analyze the movement trajectory of sperm in multiple fields through microscope photography and computer, and objectively record the sperm density, activity, activity rate and survival rate and other parameters.

Detalji o proizvodu
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informacije o proizvodu

Laptop computer 1 set
Microscope Binocular with CCD camera 1 set
Microscope analysis software 1 piece
Video acquisition card 1 piece
Sperm analysis slide 1set
User's manual 1 piece

Morphological analysis with a total of 26 parameters:
* Analysis of the number of targets
* Morphologically normal sperm count
* Abnormal sperm morphology * Bulk sperm count
* Small head sperm count * Hammer-shaped sperm count
* Pear-shaped sperm count * Amorphous sperm count
* Vacuolar head sperm count * Double sperm count
* Neck and middle defective sperm count
* The number of sperm tail defects * Other abnormal sperm count
* Sperm cells, white blood cell count, round cells
* Analysis of sperm count
* Header length (um), the head width (um), the length / width ratio (%), the head area (um2), head circumference (um), acrosomal ratio (%)
* Average of normal sperm, abnormal sperm average


This system is especially applicable for clinical semen detection and can highly increase the standard of clinical detection. It can be widely used in urological department, and riatrics, department of obstetrics and gynecology (test tube baby), birth control and the research of healthy birth and sound care. It can also be applied in some specialized fields, such as biologic research institute, research institute of endangered animal and rare animal, research institute of artificial propagation of livestock, and artificial insemination station, itd. compare with the tradition methods of analysis, this system has a fast speed, a sound quantification, a high accuracy and an abundant detection parameter data, therefore it can provide objective detection foundation for clinic and scientific research.

Prednosti proizvoda

* Imported camera chip
Original imported camera chip, high multiple, high definition, high quality. To change the tradition alway of observation with eye barrel, professional electronic camera (electronic eyepiece) is introduced to present the effect observed in the eyepiece barrel to the computer equipment, so that the eyepiece observation results can be enlarged, so that the observation results can be bigger and clearer

* 2100,000-hour ultra-durable LED light source
Change the traditional plain lightsource, use LED high brightness energy saving light source, the servicelife can reach 100,000 sati, LED material energy saving and environmental protection

* Professional brand objective lens
Professional objective lens, change the dim blur, let the visual effect sharpnessup 10 times

* Ergonomic design
The structure of the machine itself can be rotated 360° for people from different directions and angles to watch;sitting, standing, sideways,or evennearsightedness can achieve the best viewing effect.

* Data storage
The device can be connected to the computer to store the data we detected,and the results of the first detection can be saved on the computer. The second detection of the same customer or object specimen many dayslater can facilitate the second comparison, so as to make a more accurate comparison and analysis and find the difference

* Sperm analysis Report
With software sperm analysis, make you more convenient to view the analysis report

Project cases


• Odgovor na vrijeme: Za sve vaše upite, mi ćemo se potruditi da odgovorimo u roku 24 sati

• Osiguranje kvaliteta: Dvostruka provjera kvalitete prije slanja, ako problem s kvalitetom dat ćemo naknadu.

• Isporuka na vrijeme: Vaša narudžba će biti poslana nakon završetka kontrole kvaliteta

• Usluge nakon prodaje na vrijeme: Na svako pitanje nakon prodaje bit će odgovoreno unutar 24 sati.


• Više od 13 godine iskustva u proizvodnji medicinske opreme

• Pružanje visoko isplative medicinske opreme

• Profesionalni tim prodaje i tehničara odgovoran za svako vaše pitanje, i pravo na stvar.

• Različite preporuke proizvoda za različite potrebe i različite budžete.

Svi gotovi proizvodi moraju proći 4 provere u celom procesu:

1. Inspekcija komponenti

2. U inspekciji obrade

3. Završni pregled prije pakovanja

4. Kontrola kvaliteta prije slanja


Q: How to place order of HC-A013C color doppler ultrasound machine?


• Prvo potvrđujemo detalje o proizvodu, a zatim šaljemo predračun,

• Plaćate nam putem T/T, Western Union ili MoneyGram,

• Nakon što potvrdimo vašu uplatu, onda vam proizvod šaljemo nakon završetka proizvodnje.

Q: For ultrasound machine, how does the 3D function work and what it is?

A: For our HC-A013C color doppler ultrasound machine, it shows static 3D image when diagnostic obstetric scan of baby, it display 3 dimension of fetus. And make it clear to viewing.

Q: Koja je vaša garancija?


• Za većinu proizvoda garancija je za 12 mjeseci, neke proizvode koje nudimo 18 meseci garancije.

• Za ultrazvučni aparat abdomena u trudnoći nudimo 12 meseci garancije.

Q: Koje je vaše vrijeme isporuke?


• Uglavnom jeste 5 radnih dana ako je roba na lageru. Unutar 10 radnih dana ako je roba potrebna proizvodnja,

• And also the delivery time depends on quantity. For HC-A013C portable ultrasound machine the delivery time is 10 radnih dana.

Q: Kako poslati proizvod?


• Način dostave obično zavisi od vaše količine, ukupni CBM i težina.

• We have our own shipping company to provide best shipping cost and efficient way.

Ako imate problema oko Laboratorijska mašina, ili želite saznati više detalja o opremi za veterinare, Laboratorijska mašina, Bolnički namještaj, itd. Dobrodošli da nas kontaktirate!

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