The blood visualization cardiopulmonary resuscitation simulator is a brand new cardiopulmonary resuscitation simulator. Blood visualization allows students to better understand the blood flow of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.CPR indicatorWhen the pressing depth and pressing frequency are correct, the head indicator will light up. On the contrary, if any one of the operations is not correct, the head indicator will not light up.Blood circulation indicatorThe blood circulation indicator is used to indicate the blood circulation from the heart to the brain during chest compressions.The circulation speed of the blood depends on the user’s compression depth and compression frequency.Through this light, the user can understand the flow of blood and perform CPR quickly and normally.
The blood visualization cardiopulmonary resuscitation simulator is a brand new cardiopulmonary resuscitation simulator. Blood visualization allows students to better understand the blood flow of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.CPR indicatorWhen the pressing depth and pressing frequency are correct, the head indicator will light up. On the contrary, if any one of the operations is not correct, the head indicator will not light up.Blood circulation indicatorThe blood circulation indicator is used to indicate the blood circulation from the heart to the brain during chest compressions.The circulation speed of the blood depends on the user’s compression depth and compression frequency.Through this light, the user can understand the flow of blood and perform CPR quickly and normally.
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