
  • Højfrekvent medicinsk mammografienhed digital radiologimaskine

    HC-D008B mainly uses the penetration of X-ray, integrated photoelectric technology, computer, digital signal processing and other technologies to distinguish, extract and discriminate image information through vision and pattern recognition, and finally realizes foreign body processing.

  • Dynamometer/Digital kraftmåler

    HC-C024 is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.

  • Respirations søvnmonitor i god stand

    HC-C023 is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.

  • Højkvalitets defibrillatormonitor

    HC-C020 is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.

  • Hjertestarter monitor i god stand

    HC-C019 is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.

  • Bedste salg føtal Doppler

    HC-C016B is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.

  • High quality fetal Doppler

    HC-C016 is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.

  • Spot-check Monitor in good condition

    HC-C014 is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.


  • Personal stress management device

    HC-C013 is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.

  • Handheld Pulse Oximeter in good condition

    HC-C010 is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.

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  • Sally 10:12 ER, I dag
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