When the artificial hand is pressed outside the chest:
1. The dynamic bar code indicator shows the pressing depth;
2, the count display; detailed record the number of correct and error, and distinguish the cause of the error;
3, language prompts: Chinese voice prompts, detailed tips for the specific reasons for pressing errors, so that the trainers can correct in time;
4. The real-time operation waveform diagram shows the process of pressing operation;
5, real-time rectangle shows the depth of compression (through the red, green, yellow, gray visually reflects the operation process);
When the artificial hand is pressed outside the chest:
1. The dynamic bar code indicator shows the pressing depth;
2, the count display; detailed record the number of correct and error, and distinguish the cause of the error;
3, language prompts: Chinese voice prompts, detailed tips for the specific reasons for pressing errors, so that the trainers can correct in time;
4. The real-time operation waveform diagram shows the process of pressing operation;
5, real-time rectangle shows the depth of compression (through the red, green, yellow, gray visually reflects the operation process);
• Erantzuna garaiz: Zure kontsulta guztietarako, ahaleginduko gara barruan erantzuten 24 orduak
• Kalitatearen Bermea: Bidalketa baino lehen kalitate-kontrol bikoitza, kalitate arazoa bada kalte-ordaina emango dugu.
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• Saldu osteko zerbitzuak puntualak: Salmenta ondorengo edozein galdera barruan erantzungo da 24 orduak.
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• Errentagarritasun handiko ekipamendu medikoa eskaintzea
• Salmenta eta teknikari talde profesionala zuetako galdera guztien arduraduna, eta punturaino.
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Amaitutako produktu guztiak pasatu behar dira 4 egiaztapenak prozesu osoan:
1. Osagaien ikuskapena
2. Prozesatzeko ikuskapenean
3. Paketatu aurretik azken ikuskapena
4. Kalitate kontrola bidali aurretik
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