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Cheap price Advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation
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HC-S015 can display the internal organs and systems of the human body in a comprehensive, multi-directional and intuitive way, and show the position of organs and systems in the human body in an accurate way, which is convenient for teaching and medical practice.

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When the artificial hand is pressed outside the chest:
1. The dynamic bar code indicator shows the pressing depth;
2, the count display; detailed record the number of correct and error, and distinguish the cause of the error;
3, language prompts: Chinese voice prompts, detailed tips for the specific reasons for pressing errors, so that the trainers can correct in time;
4. The real-time operation waveform diagram shows the process of pressing operation;
5, real-time rectangle shows the depth of compression (through the red, green, yellow, gray visually reflects the operation process);



When the artificial hand is pressed outside the chest:
1. The dynamic bar code indicator shows the pressing depth;
2, the count display; detailed record the number of correct and error, and distinguish the cause of the error;
3, language prompts: Chinese voice prompts, detailed tips for the specific reasons for pressing errors, so that the trainers can correct in time;
4. The real-time operation waveform diagram shows the process of pressing operation;
5, real-time rectangle shows the depth of compression (through the red, green, yellow, gray visually reflects the operation process);






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