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Large-screen LCD color display advanced automatic
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HC-S007 can display the internal organs and systems of the human body in a comprehensive, multi-directional and intuitive way, and show the position of organs and systems in the human body in an accurate way, which is convenient for teaching and medical practice.

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This product combines the 2015 International Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Standard and the product features are fully upgraded.Its core modules include analog people, large-screen color LCD monitors, student information IC cards, and traumatic limb modules. It can perform first-aid operations such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation and traumatic wounds on limbs. It is suitable for social cardiopulmonary resuscitation training institutions, hospitals, medical schools, health schools, ensfh. Medical units are trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Material characteristics: The simulated human face can be used for three years without replacement.



This product combines the 2015 International Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Standard and the product features are fully upgraded.Its core modules include analog people, large-screen color LCD monitors, student information IC cards, and traumatic limb modules. It can perform first-aid operations such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation and traumatic wounds on limbs. It is suitable for social cardiopulmonary resuscitation training institutions, hospitals, medical schools, health schools, ensfh. Medical units are trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Material characteristics: The simulated human face can be used for three years without replacement.






• Op tiid antwurd: Foar al jo fraach, wy sille ús bêst besykje om binnen te antwurdzjen 24 oeren

• Quality Assurance: Dûbele kwaliteitskontrôle foar ferstjoeren, as kwaliteitsprobleem sille wy kompensaasje jaan.

• Op tiid skipfeart: Jo bestelling wurdt ferstjoerd ienris finish kwaliteit kontrôle

• Op tiid nei ferkeap tsjinsten: Elke fraach nei ferkeap sil binnen wurde beäntwurde 24 oeren.


• Mear as 13 jierren ûnderfining fan fabrikant fan medyske apparatuer

• It jaan fan tige kosten effektive medyske apparatuer

• Profesjonele ferkeap- en technykteam ferantwurdlik foar elk fan jo fraach, en rjocht op it punt.

• Ferskate produkt oanbefelling foar jo ferskate need en ferskillende budzjet.

Alle klear produkten moatte troch 4 kontrôles yn it hiele proses:

1. Component ynspeksje

2. Yn ferwurkjen ynspeksje

3. Finale ynspeksje foardat ynpakke

4. Kontrolearje kwaliteitskontrôle foardat ferstjoeren


Q:How to placeorder of HC-S007 Large-screen LCD color display advanced automatic



• Earst befêstigje wy produktdetails en stjoere dan de Proforma Invoice,

• Jo meitsje betelling oan ús fia T / T, Western Union of MoneyGram,

• Nei't wy jo betelling befêstigje, ferstjoere dan it produkt nei jo ienris klear produksje.

Q: Wat is dyn garânsje?


• Foar de measte produkten is de garânsje foar 12 moannen, guon produkten wy leverje 18 moannen garânsje.

• Foar de abdominale swangerskip ultrasound masine dy't wy leverje 12 moannen garânsje.

Q: Wat is dyn levertiid?


• Algemien is it 5 wurkdagen as guod op foarried. Binnen 10 wurkdagen as it guod produksje nedich is,

• And also the delivery time depends on quantity.For HC-S007 Large-screen LCD color display advanced automatic is delivery for 10 days.

Q: Hoe kinne jo it produkt ferstjoere?


• De skipfeart is normaal ôfhinklik fan jo kwantiteit, totale CBM en gewicht.

• We have our own shipping company to provide best shipping cost

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