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Best sale sperm analyzer for veterinary
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HC-B029 uses the special sperm quality analysis software, the use of modern computer recognition technology and image processing technology, the dynamic and static characteristics of sperm for comprehensive quantitative analysis, the sperm density, vitality, viability, motion trajectory and other characteristics of the amount of detection analysis.

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Sonraí Táirge
Aiseolas Anois

faisnéis táirge

1. the number of image acquisition (amplitude) -30 pieces

2. the field of view of each acquisition and analysis time (in seconds) <5s

3. the range of the detected velocities <um / s> 0-180

4. the selected FOV (field) 1-20

5. The maximum measured every sperm count (a) 1000, error ± 2%

6. sperm density detection range of 0-300 one million / ml (3 billion) in without dilution

7. for the microscope objective magnification 10X.20X.25X.40X

8.sperm detection system screena. sperm static maps b, sperm dynamic trajectoriesc. semen characteristics of the data and the analysis of key performance statisticsd. show a variety of velocity and sperm vitality grade histograme. the patient’s name and other case management information.

9. the contents of the printout is not less than spermatozoa detection system






Suitable for clinical sperm quality analysis, widely used in hospital urology, male department, obstetrics and gynecology, family planning, eugenics and fertility research; In some professional fields, such as biological research institute, rare animal research institute, artificial insemination station, etc., it also has a wide range of application value.

1. the number of image acquisition (amplitude) -30 pieces

2. the field of view of each acquisition and analysis time (in seconds) <5s

3. the range of the detected velocities <um / s> 0-180

4. the selected FOV (field) 1-20

5. The maximum measured every sperm count (a) 1000, error ± 2%

6. sperm density detection range of 0-300 one million / ml (3 billion) in without dilution

7. for the microscope objective magnification 10X.20X.25X.40X

8.sperm detection system screena. sperm static maps b, sperm dynamic trajectoriesc. semen characteristics of the data and the analysis of key performance statisticsd. show a variety of velocity and sperm vitality grade histograme. the patient’s name and other case management information.

9. the contents of the printout is not less than spermatozoa detection system



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