Roinnean-seòrsa bathar Bathar sònraichte Cuir fios thugainn

60 test/hour auto hematology analyzer
Faic barrachd dhealbhan

HC-B002 is a device used to perform a complete blood count (CBC) or hemogram. Veterinary hematology analyzer also called CBC machine, which is the device helps clinic conducting blood cell count of animals. It is targeted to fulfill and exceedthe demands of our global customers by providing more accurate, more efficient and more innovative solutions for labs.

Rabhadh: Argamaid mì-dhligheach air a thoirt seachad airson co-fhilleadh() ann an /www / neach-swordroot / / lusan wp-contend / cuspairean / deamaichean-461 / aon-toradh-toraidh-pc.php Air-loidhne 212

Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh
Beachdan air ais a-nis

Fiosrachadh toraidh

Test principle: electrical resistance for counting and SFT method for HGB
Test flow: fully auto and the blood don’t need dilute or other process
Quantity technology: ultra sound quantity method, resistance from disturb
Clot clear: high voltage burn and high pressure flush
Parameter: 3 part differentiation of WBC,20 parameters + 3 histograms
Leabhar-s àrainneachd: 9.8μl peripheral blood or venous blood
Language: Sasannach
Calibration mode: auto mode and manual mode are selectable, provide original calibrator and control
Reference range type: newborn,children,male,female and universal
Reagent: provide original reagent
Memory: save more than 30000 sample’s detail results including histograms




HC-B002 offers a great solution for clinical labs, especially for those who have limited space. Its compact foot-print is a result of innovative technology improvements, including miniaturized semi-conductor laser source, highly integrated electronic boards and optimized liquid handling system.

Buannachdan toraidh

Test principle: electrical resistance for counting and SFT method for HGB
Test flow: fully auto and the blood don’t need dilute or other process
Quantity technology: ultra sound quantity method, resistance from disturb
Clot clear: high voltage burn and high pressure flush
Parameter: 3 part differentiation of WBC,20 parameters + 3 histograms
Leabhar-s àrainneachd: 9.8μl peripheral blood or venous blood
Language: Sasannach
Calibration mode: auto mode and manual mode are selectable, provide original calibrator and control
Reference range type: newborn,children,male,female and universal
Reagent: provide original reagent
Memory: save more than 30000 sample’s detail results including histograms

Cùisean Pròiseact


• Freagairt ann an tìde: Airson a h-uile ceist agad, feuchaidh sinn ar dìcheall freagairt a-staigh 24 uairean

• Dearbhadh Càileachd: Sgrùdadh càileachd dùbailte mus tèid a chuir air falbh, ma tha duilgheadas càileachd bheir sinn airgead-dìolaidh.

• Air luingearachd àm: Thèid an òrdugh agad a chuir air falbh aon uair ‘s gu bheil smachd càileachd deiseil

• Seirbheisean ùine às dèidh reic: Thèid ceist sam bith às deidh reic a fhreagairt taobh a-staigh 24 uairean.


• Barrachd air 13 bliadhna de eòlas air neach-dèanamh uidheamachd meidigeach

• A' toirt seachad uidheam meidigeach a tha fìor chosgais

• Sgioba reic agus teicneòlaiche proifeasanta le uallach airson a h-uile ceist agad, agus dìreach chun a’ phuing.

• Moladh toraidh eadar-dhealaichte airson na feumalachdan eadar-dhealaichte agad agus buidseat eadar-dhealaichte.

Feumaidh a h-uile toradh crìochnaichte a dhol troimhe 4 sgrùdaidhean sa phròiseas gu lèir:

1. Sgrùdadh co-phàirt

2. Ann an giullachd sgrùdaidh

3. Sgrùdadh deireannach mus pacadh

4. Sgrùdadh smachd càileachd mus tèid a chuir air falbh

Ceistean Cumanta

C: How to place order of B002 60 test/hour auto hematology analyzer?


• An toiseach bidh sinn a 'dearbhadh mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh agus an uairsin a' cur a-steach am Fàirdeal Proforma,

• Bidh thu a' pàigheadh ​​dhuinn tro T/T, Western Union no MoneyGram,

• Às deidh dhuinn do phàigheadh ​​​​a dhearbhadh an uairsin cuir am bathar thugad aon uair ‘s gu bheil thu deiseil.

C: Dè am barantas a th’ agad?


• Airson a 'mhòr-chuid de stuthan tha am barantas airson 12 mìosan, cuid de thoraidhean a bheir sinn seachad 18 barantas mìosan.

• Airson an inneal ultrasound torrachas bhoilg a bheir sinn seachad 12 barantas mìosan.

C: Dè an ùine lìbhrigidh a th’ agad?


• San fharsaingeachd tha e 5 làithean obrach ma tha bathar ann an stoc. Taobh a-staigh 10 làithean obrach ma tha feum aig a’ bhathar air cinneasachadh,

• And also the delivery time depends on quantity.For B002 60 test/hour auto hematology analyzer the delivery time is 10 làithean obrach.

C: Mar a chuireas tu am bathar air falbh?


• Mar as trice bidh an dòigh luingeis an urra ri do mheud, CBM iomlan agus cuideam.

• Tha a 'chompanaidh luingeis againn fhèin gus cosgais luingeis as fheàrr a thoirt seachad

Ma tha cuid de dhuilgheadasan agad mu dheidhinn Inneal obair-lann, no airson faighinn a-mach barrachd fiosrachaidh mu uidheamachd Vet, Inneal obair-lann, Àirneis hopital, msaa. Fàilte fios a chuir thugainn!

Cuir do theachdaireachd thugainn:
Bruidhinn ri Sally
mar-thà 1902 brathan

  • Sally 10:12 AM, An-diugh
    Halò, a dhuine uasail / bhean uasail, fàilte don làrach-lìn againn! Is mise Sally,ciamar a bu chòir dhomh bruidhinn riut?