• Happycare HC-A014A measures B mode-distance, circumference, area, volume, angle, area Red, DiamRed, M modedistance, time, velocity, heart rate
• Abdomen measurement Liver, GB, Aorta, GBWT, CBD, Portal Vein, Spleen
• OB packages EDD table :GS ,BPD,CRL,FL,YS,TAD,LV,OFD,NT,AC,HC, APAD, Cxlength.
• Gynecological packages
• Uterine measurement (Uterine diameter, uterine endometrial); left/right ovary measurement; left/right sacculus measurement; Cervix;Uterine depth
• Standard Configuration: Main unit, 12 inch LCD monitor, 3.5Mhz convex probe,
• 7.5Mhz linear probe, 2 probe connectors, hard disk
• Options: 6.5Mhz transvaginal probe, 3.5Mhz micro-convex probe,3.5Mhz phased array probe, 4D volume probe, trolley, battery, laser printer, DICOM 3.0
Application | Abdomen / Cardiac / Obstetrics / Gynecology / Urology / Andrology / Small Parts / Vascular / Pediatrics / Musculoskeletal
Basic parameter |
1. Monitor:19 inch LED medicinal monitor+10Inch LED touch screen monitor 2. Scanning mode:convex array/linear array/micro-convex array 3. Probe interface:≥4, active Support: convex, linear, trans-vaginal, micro-convex, phased array, 4D volume, rectal probes etc. 4. Language: Chinese/English/Spanish/French/Portuguese/Russian/Arabic/ Vietnamese. 5. Display mode: B mode(B, B+B, 4B, B+M,M), C mode, PW mode, CW mode, real time 3D mode(4D), B/C, B/C/PW, B/PW: 4 scanning speed adjustable 6. Electronic focus: 4 7. Body mark: ≥57 8. Frequency: 2.0-12.0MHz multi-frequency (2.0MHz, 3.0MHz, 3.5MHz, 4.0MHz, 5.5MHz, 5.0MHz, 6.5MHz, 9.0MHz, 6.0MHz, 7.5MHz, 12.0MHz as per probe) |
It helps diagnose the causes of pain, swelling and infection in the body's internal organs and to examine an unborn child (fetus) in pregnant women. In infants, doctors commonly use ultrasound to evaluate the brain, hips, and spine. .
Engineer control technology with low power consumption
Edge enhancement Image optimizing disposal
One-key optimization
Image conversion
Doppler Sound output volume adjustable
Wall filter adjustable
Base line adjustable
Sampling frame adjustable
Spectrum sampling volume adjustable
Spectrum sampling volume angle adjustable
Clear button with backlight demonstration for easy operation
• Freagairt ann an tìde: Airson a h-uile ceist agad, feuchaidh sinn ar dìcheall freagairt a-staigh 24 uairean
• Dearbhadh Càileachd: Sgrùdadh càileachd dùbailte mus tèid a chuir air falbh, ma tha duilgheadas càileachd bheir sinn airgead-dìolaidh.
• Air luingearachd àm: Thèid an òrdugh agad a chuir air falbh aon uair ‘s gu bheil smachd càileachd deiseil
• Seirbheisean ùine às dèidh reic: Thèid ceist sam bith às deidh reic a fhreagairt taobh a-staigh 24 uairean.
• Barrachd air 13 bliadhna de eòlas air neach-dèanamh uidheamachd meidigeach
• A' toirt seachad uidheam meidigeach a tha fìor chosgais
• Sgioba reic agus teicneòlaiche proifeasanta le uallach airson a h-uile ceist agad, agus dìreach chun a’ phuing.
• Moladh toraidh eadar-dhealaichte airson na feumalachdan eadar-dhealaichte agad agus buidseat eadar-dhealaichte.
Feumaidh a h-uile toradh crìochnaichte a dhol troimhe 4 sgrùdaidhean sa phròiseas gu lèir:
1. Sgrùdadh co-phàirt
2. Ann an giullachd sgrùdaidh
3. Sgrùdadh deireannach mus pacadh
4. Sgrùdadh smachd càileachd mus tèid a chuir air falbh
C: How to place order of HC-A013C color doppler ultrasound machine?
• An toiseach bidh sinn a 'dearbhadh mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh agus an uairsin a' cur a-steach am Fàirdeal Proforma,
• Bidh thu a' pàigheadh dhuinn tro T/T, Western Union no MoneyGram,
• Às deidh dhuinn do phàigheadh a dhearbhadh an uairsin cuir am bathar thugad aon uair ‘s gu bheil thu deiseil.
C: For ultrasound machine, how does the 3D function work and what it is?
A: For our HC-A013C color doppler ultrasound machine, it shows static 3D image when diagnostic obstetric scan of baby, it display 3 dimension of fetus. And make it clear to viewing.
C: Dè am barantas a th’ agad?
• Airson a 'mhòr-chuid de stuthan tha am barantas airson 12 mìosan, cuid de thoraidhean a bheir sinn seachad 18 barantas mìosan.
• Airson an inneal ultrasound torrachas bhoilg a bheir sinn seachad 12 barantas mìosan.
C: Dè an ùine lìbhrigidh a th’ agad?
• San fharsaingeachd tha e 5 làithean obrach ma tha bathar ann an stoc. Taobh a-staigh 10 làithean obrach ma tha feum aig a’ bhathar air cinneasachadh,
• And also the delivery time depends on quantity. For HC-A013C portable ultrasound machine the delivery time is 10 làithean obrach.
C: Mar a chuireas tu am bathar air falbh?
• Mar as trice bidh an dòigh luingeis an urra ri do mheud, CBM iomlan agus cuideam.
• We have our own shipping company to provide best shipping cost and efficient way.
Ma tha cuid de dhuilgheadasan agad mu dheidhinn Ultrasound, no airson faighinn a-mach barrachd fiosrachaidh mu uidheamachd Vet, Inneal obair-lann, Àirneis hopital, msaa. Fàilte fios a chuir thugainn!