DISINFECTION METHODS Speculum disinfection is to use detergent to wash the dirt from the inside and outside, use tap water rinse, then put it into drying oven for dry heat sterilization. PRODUCT FEATURES 1.Round head design, protect inner wall of cervical2.Easy clean, high temperature disinfection can be performed HOW TO USE Speculum should be disinfected before use,take lubricant (vaseline) on its surface, then close the speculum, with horizontal arm hand slowly inserted, In clockwise 90 ° direction after inserted, then open the speculum for observation.
It can be entered into the human body through natural channels such as oral cavity or surgically made channels to help doctors screen and diagnose diseases. At present, it can also assist doctors to perform minimally invasive surgery.
DISINFECTION METHODS Speculum disinfection is to use detergent to wash the dirt from the inside and outside, use tap water rinse, then put it into drying oven for dry heat sterilization. PRODUCT FEATURES 1.Round head design, protect inner wall of cervical2.Easy clean, high temperature disinfection can be performed HOW TO USE Speculum should be disinfected before use,take lubricant (vaseline) on its surface, then close the speculum, with horizontal arm hand slowly inserted, In clockwise 90 ° direction after inserted, then open the speculum for observation.
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Feumaidh a h-uile toradh crìochnaichte a dhol troimhe 4 sgrùdaidhean sa phròiseas gu lèir:
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