Khoom Pawg Cov Khoom Muag Khoom Tiv tauj peb

80L centigrade Blood refrigerator
Saib cov duab ntxiv
Kev piav qhia:

HC-P006B a specialized freezer for the storage of medicines, vaccines, enzymes, hormones, stem cells, platelets, semen, skin grafts and tissue samples from animals, RNA extracts, gene libraries and some important biological and chemical reagents.

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Product Detail
Tawm tswv yim tam sim no

cov ntaub ntawv khoom

Volume: 22-liter dual-core
Use Voltage: Household AC220V Vehicle DC12V/24V, Dual Cooling System
Power: Car 60-75W
Cooling temperature: Under 25 degree environment, the lowest can reach minus 5 degrees, dual refrigeration system, car, truck, home, PU foam
Heating temperature: 55-65 degrees
Product internal size: 290*220*350mm
External dimensions of the product: 390*280*540mm
Individual product weight: 6 kg
Case Size:560*335*410mm/1set





Daim ntawv thov

Volume: 22-liter dual-core
Use Voltage: Household AC220V Vehicle DC12V/24V, Dual Cooling System
Power: Car 60-75W
Cooling temperature: Under 25 degree environment, the lowest can reach minus 5 degrees, dual refrigeration system, car, truck, home, PU foam
Heating temperature: 55-65 degrees
Product internal size: 290*220*350mm
External dimensions of the product: 390*280*540mm
Individual product weight: 6 kg
Case Size:560*335*410mm/1set



Peb cov kev pabcuam

• Teb ​​raws sij hawm: Rau txhua qhov koj nug, peb yuav sim peb qhov zoo tshaj plaws los teb rau hauv 24 teev

• Kev Pov Hwm Zoo: Ob chav kuaj xyuas ua ntej shipping, yog qhov teeb meem zoo peb yuav muab cov nyiaj them poob haujlwm.

• Raws sij hawm shipping: Koj qhov kev txiav txim yuav raug xa tawm thaum ua tiav kev tswj hwm zoo

• Cov kev pab cuam tom qab muag raws sij hawm: Ib qho lus nug tom qab muag yuav raug teb rau hauv 24 teev.


• Ntau tshaj 13 xyoo kev paub ntawm cov chaw tsim khoom siv kho mob

• Muab cov cuab yeej siv kho mob tau txais txiaj ntsig zoo

• Cov kws tshaj lij kev muag khoom thiab cov kws tshaj lij pab neeg ua haujlwm rau txhua tus ntawm koj cov lus nug, thiab txoj cai rau lub ntsiab lus.

• Ntau yam khoom pom zoo rau koj ntau yam kev xav tau thiab cov peev nyiaj sib txawv.

Tag nrho cov khoom tiav lawm yuav tsum dhau mus 4 kuaj nyob rau hauv tag nrho cov txheej txheem:

1. Kev tshuaj xyuas cov khoom

2. Hauv kev tshuaj xyuas

3. Kev tshuaj xyuas zaum kawg ua ntej packing

4. Kev tswj xyuas zoo ua ntej shipping


Q:How to plibce order of HC-P006B 80L centigrade Blood refrigerator



• Ua ntej peb paub meej cov khoom lag luam thiab tom qab ntawd xa Proforma Invoice,

• Koj them nyiaj rau peb los ntawm T / T, Western Union lossis MoneyGram,

• Tom qab peb paub meej tias koj cov nyiaj them poob haujlwm ces xa cov khoom rau koj ib zaug ua tiav lawm.

Q: Koj warranty yog dab tsi?


• Rau feem ntau cov khoom, warranty yog rau 12 hli, qee cov khoom peb muab 18 lub hlis warranty.

• Rau lub plab plab plab ultrasound tshuab peb muab 12 lub hlis warranty.

Q: Koj lub sijhawm xa khoom yog dab tsi?


• Feem ntau nws yog 5 hnub ua haujlwm yog tias cov khoom hauv Tshuag. Hauv 10 hnub ua haujlwm yog tias cov khoom xav tau ntau lawm,

• Thiab tseem lub sij hawm tus me nyuam nyob ntawm kom muaj nuj nqis.For HC-P006B 80L centigrade Blood refrigerator

is delivery for 10 days.

Q: Yuav xa cov khoom li cas?


• Txoj kev xa khoom ib txwm nyob ntawm koj qhov ntau, tag nrho CBM thiab qhov hnyav.

• Peb muaj peb tus kheej lub tuam txhab shipping los muab tus nqi xa khoom zoo tshaj plaws

Yog tias koj muaj qee qhov teeb meem txog Refrigerator , los yog xav paub ntau ntxiv txog cov cuab yeej Vet, Laboratory tshuab, Hopital Rooj tog, lwm.

Xa koj cov lus rau peb:
Tham nrog Sally
xa 1902 lus

  • Sally 20:18.PM  Mar.14,2025
    Nyob zoo, nyob zoo sir/madam, txais tos rau peb lub vev xaib! Kuv yog Sally,kuv yuav hais li cas rau koj?