HC-D008B mainly uses the penetration of X-ray, integrated photoelectric technology, lub computer, digital signal processing thiab lwm yam thev naus laus zis kom paub qhov txawv, rho tawm thiab cais cov duab cov ntaub ntawv los ntawm kev pom thiab pom cov qauv, thiab thaum kawg realizes txawv teb chaws lub cev ua.
HC-C024 is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.
HC-C023 is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.
HC-C020 is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.
HC-C019 is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.
HC-C016B is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.
HC-C016 is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.
HC-C014 is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.
HC-C013 is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.
HC-C010 is a device or system that measures and controls the patient's physiological parameters and can be compared with known set values and can alert if exceedances occur.
Chav 325, 3rd pem teb, Nr 280. Nanfeng Chuanghui, Zhongshan Avenue East Avenue, Huangpu koog tsev kawm ntawv, Huangpu koog tsev kawm ntawv, Guangzhou, Tuam Tshoj,
Guangzhou Happycare Electronics Co., Ltd. © 2021 TAG NRHO COV CAI Shipping Txoj CaiTxoj Cai Rov QabTxoj Cai Tswjfwm Ntiag Tug