The corpse cold storage and freezing box /corpse cabinet is a series of product for hospital, funeral parlor, and postmortem examination department to store the corpse.
Main technical parameter:
Input power:700W
Temperature inside the box:1-5℃
Exterior size(Width*Depth*Height):2480*810*1280mm
Quantity of compressorunit:-18℃
The corpse cold storage and freezing box /corpse cabinet is a series of product for hospital, funeral parlor, and postmortem examination department to store the corpse.
Main technical parameter:
Input power:700W
Temperature inside the box:1-5℃
Exterior size(Width*Depth*Height):2480*810*1280mm
Quantity of compressorunit:-18℃
• Alè reponn: Pou tout demann ou yo, nou pral eseye pi byen nou yo reponn nan 24 èdtan
• Kalite asirans: Double bon jan kalite tcheke anvan anbake, si pwoblèm kalite nou pral bay konpansasyon.
• Sou tan anbake: Lòd ou a pral anbake yon fwa fini kontwòl kalite
• Atan sèvis apre vant: Nenpòt kesyon apre vant yo pral reponn nan 24 èdtan.
• Plis pase 13 ane eksperyans nan manifakti ekipman medikal
• Bay ekipman medikal ki trè efikas
• Komèsyal pwofesyonèl ak ekip teknisyen responsab pou chak nan ou kesyon, ak dwa nan pwen an.
• Plizyè rekòmandasyon pwodwi pou plizyè bezwen ou ak bidjè diferan.
Tout pwodwi fini yo dwe ale nan 4 chèk nan tout pwosesis la:
1. Enspeksyon eleman
2. Nan pwosesis enspeksyon
3. Final enspeksyon anvan anbalaj
4. Tcheke kontwòl kalite anvan anbake
K:How to place order of HC-P026 Medical Two bodies mortuary refrigerator morgue freezer
• Premyerman nou konfime detay pwodwi ak Lè sa a, voye fakti a Proforma,
• Ou fè peman pou nou atravè T/T, Western Union oswa MoneyGram,
• Apre nou konfime peman ou an Lè sa a, bato pwodwi a ba ou yon fwa fini pwodiksyon an.
K: Ki garanti ou ye?
• Pou pifò pwodwi garanti a se pou 12 mwa, kèk pwodwi nou bay 18 mwa garanti.
• Pou machin ultrason gwosès nan vant nou bay la 12 mwa garanti.
K: Ki tan livrezon ou a?
• Anjeneral li ye 5 jou travay si machandiz nan stock. Nan 10 jou travay si machandiz yo bezwen pwodiksyon,
• Epi tou tan an livrezon depann sou kantite.Pou HC-P026 Medical Two bodies mortuary refrigerator morgue freezer is delivery for 10 jou.
K: Ki jan yo bato pwodwi a?
• Fason anbake nòmalman depann sou kantite ou, total CBM ak pwa.
• Nou gen pwòp konpayi anbake nou pou bay pi bon pri anbake
Si ou gen kèk pwoblèm sou Refrigerator , oswa vle konnen plis detay sou ekipman Vet, Machin laboratwa, Hopital Mèb, elatriye.