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Mindray refurbishment good condition 5 part hematology analyzer
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Based on Mindray's continuous innovation in hematology field, BC-5000 is especially tailored to assist diagnostic labs whoneed full CBC + 5-part results, with relatively low daily sample volume, restricted lab space and tight budget.

As the lightest and most compact 5-part hematology analyzer so far from Mindray, BC-5000 is a highly user-friendly andinnovative analyzer that offers cost efficient CBC and 5-part white cell differential results. It is targeted to fulfill and exceedthe demands of our global customers by providing more accurate, more efficient and more innovative solutions for labs.

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productum notitia

• WBC 5-part differentiation, 23 reportable parameters, 3 histograms and 3 scattergrams
• Whole blood mode, Capillary whole blood mode and Prediluted mode
• Tri-angle Laser scatter + Chemical dye + Flow cytometry technology
• Dedicated optical counting channel for Basophil measurement
• Powerful capability of flagging abnormal cells
10.4 inch large TFT touch screen with user-friendly software
• Large storage capacity: up to 20,000 samples
• Throughput: 40 samples per hour
• Sample volume is only 15μL which is ideal for pediatrics


BC-5000, the 5-part hematology analyzer offers a great solution for clinical labs, especially for those who have limited space. Its compact foot-print is a result of innovative technology improvements, including miniaturized semi-conductor laser source, highly integrated electronic boards and optimized liquid handling system.

Product commoda

Two kinds of lyse reagents are located inside of BC-5000, which helps the small labs to save space.

The 10.4 inch TFT touch screen with a wide viewing angle, brings convenience to clinicians. Users can complete all instrument operations on the screen, practically eliminating the need for an external PC.

BC-5000 inherits it's convenient and proven powerful software design from BC-6800 and BC-3600 platforms, the friendly interface is ideal for small sized labs.

Running capillary blood through the sample probe directly is more convenient for the users in children's hospitals, etc. For Prediluted mode, BC-5000 has higher dilution ratio than other 5-part hematology analyzers, thus it brings a better mixing effect.

Project casibus

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Q: For ultrasound machine, how does the 3D function work and what it is?

A: For our HC-A013C color doppler ultrasound machine, it shows static 3D image when diagnostic obstetric scan of baby, it display 3 dimension of fetus. And make it clear to viewing.

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• Pro pluribus productis warantum est 12 menses, quidam products nos providere 18 menses warantum.

• Ad graviditatem abdominis ultrasound apparatus nos providemus 12 menses warantum.

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• Itemque traditio temporis secundum quantitatem dependet. For HC-A013C portable ultrasound machine the delivery time is 10 opus diebus.

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