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HC-Q022 According to ergonomic mechanism design, the structure is simple and smooth, and the movement is light and free. Microcomputer controlled ventilator adopts imported sensors and components, scientific and reasonable design and strict production process cast the inherent quality of Aoke products, breathing folding bellows system makes mechanical ventilation safe and intuitive.

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Product Detail
Hevitra izao

fampahalalana momba ny vokatra


Applicable to a variety of desktop instruments such as computers, medical equipment, sns.

Detailed product description:

1. The lifting platform is made of imported foreign materials and imported materials.

2, has a beautiful appearance, good handling performance, safe and reliable, the load can reach 75KG.

3, the movement is simple and convenient, the noise is low, the lifting is stable, the amplitude is large (630mm-820mm) and so on.


Drawer table size: 42*68*12cm

Lifting range: 630mm-820mm

Cutting weight: 50kg-75kg

Voltage: 220V/50Hz or 110V/60Hz

Power: 120W

Net weight: 30kg






Applicable to a variety of desktop instruments such as computers, medical equipment, sns.

Detailed product description:

1. The lifting platform is made of imported foreign materials and imported materials.

2, has a beautiful appearance, good handling performance, safe and reliable, the load can reach 75KG.

3, the movement is simple and convenient, the noise is low, the lifting is stable, the amplitude is large (630mm-820mm) and so on.


Drawer table size: 42*68*12cm

Lifting range: 630mm-820mm

Cutting weight: 50kg-75kg

Voltage: 220V/50Hz or 110V/60Hz

Power: 120W

Net weight: 30kg









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