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Medical equipment LED trolley digital ultrasound scanner
Jereo bebe kokoa sary

This model HC-A010A helps your clinic meets daily need of abdominal pregnancy ultrasound scan, obstetric scan and MSK diagnostic.

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Product Detail
Hevitra izao

fampahalalana momba ny vokatra

Happycare HC-A010A Ultrasound machine preprogramed multiple language options, light and portable design, and much clear image than similar black & white ultrasound.

Flexible and convenient operating system:
15 inch LED liquid crystal display, angle range is more flexible to adjust
Back-lit keyboard silicon gel,more comfortable and wearable,no trouble in using in the darkroom
Intelligentized menu,man-machine diaglogue is easy and quick
Puncture guide line can display under B mode, angle and position are adjustable
More magnification display, Disease diagnosis more accurate
USB storage is connected outside, more convenient to upload pictures
Large capacity of cine loop,image can display circularly and automatically

Technical Specification :
Scanning mode: convex / linear / micro-convex
Probes: 96 elements convex probe,trans-vaginal probe, trans-rectal probe, high frequency linear probe
Monitor: 15 inch



.Tumor: malignant tumor (extrahepatic growing, inverted;), intestinal tumor(colon cancer, rectal cancer), gastic polyp;

. Inflammation and ulcer: chronic gastritis, menetrier, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer;

. Congenital abnormality of gestrointestinal tract: congenital pyloric stenosis; gestrointestinal double malformation;

. Acute gastrectasis, gastric execise dysfunction; gastric foreign body; gastroptosis etc; general examination of liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, urinary system and etc.

Tombontsoa vokatra

Flexible and convenient operating system:
15 inch LED liquid crystal display, angle range is more flexible to adjust
Back-lit keyboard silicon gel,more comfortable and wearable,no trouble in using in the darkroom
Intelligentized menu,man-machine diaglogue is easy and quick
Puncture guide line can display under B mode, angle and position are adjustable
More magnification display, Disease diagnosis more accurate
USB storage is connected outside, more convenient to upload pictures
Large capacity of cine loop,image can display circularly and automatically

Technical Specification :
Scanning mode: convex / linear / micro-convex
Probes: 96 elements convex probe,trans-vaginal probe, trans-rectal probe, high frequency linear probe
Monitor: 15 inch

Raharaha tetikasa


• Valiny ara-potoana: Ho an'ny fanontanianao rehetra, hiezaka izahay hamaly ao anatiny 24 ORA

• Fiantohana kalitao: Fanamarinana avo roa heny alohan'ny fandefasana, raha olana ny kalitao dia hanome onitra izahay.

• fandefasana ara-potoana: Ny kaomandinao dia halefa rehefa vita ny fanaraha-maso ny kalitao

• Ara-potoana aorian'ny varotra tolotra: Ny fanontaniana aorian'ny fivarotana dia hovaliana ao anatiny 24 ORA.


• Mihoatra ny 13 traikefa an-taonany amin'ny mpanamboatra fitaovana fitsaboana

• Fanomezana fitaovana ara-pitsaboana mahomby

• Ny varotra matihanina sy ny ekipa teknisianina tompon'andraikitra amin'ny fanontanianao rehetra, ary tonga hatrany amin'ny teboka.

• Tolo-kevitra vokatra isan-karazany ho an'ny filanao samihafa sy ny teti-bola samihafa.

Ny vokatra vita rehetra dia tsy maintsy mandalo 4 fanamarinana amin'ny dingana rehetra:

1. Fanaraha-maso ny singa

2. Amin'ny fikarakarana fisafoana

3. Fanaraha-maso farany alohan'ny hanangonana entana

4. Fanaraha-maso ny kalitao alohan'ny fandefasana


Q: How to place order of A010A Medical equipment LED trolley digital ultrasound scanner?


• Voalohany dia manamafy ny antsipirian'ny vokatra izahay ary avy eo mandefa ny Proforma Invoice,

• Mandoa vola aminay amin'ny alàlan'ny T/T ianao, Western Union na MoneyGram,

• Rehefa avy nanamafy ny fandoavam-bola dia alefaso ny vokatra ho anao rehefa vita ny famokarana.

Q: Inona ny fiantohana anao?


• Ho an'ny ankamaroan'ny vokatra dia ny fiantohana 12 VOLANA, vokatra sasany omenay 18 volana garantie.

• Ho an'ny milina fitarafana ny fitondrana vohoka dia omenay 12 volana garantie.

Q: Inona ny fotoana fanaterana anao?


• Amin'ny ankapobeny dia izany 5 andro fiasana raha misy entana. Ao anatin'ny 10 andro fiasana raha mila famokarana ny entana,

• Ary koa ny fotoana fanaterana dia miankina amin'ny habetsahana. For A010A Medical equipment LED trolley digital ultrasound scanner the delivery time MAHAVONONA 10 andro fiasana.

Q: Ahoana ny fandefasana ny vokatra?


• Ny fomba fandefasana matetika dia miankina amin'ny habetsahanao, total CBM sy lanja.

• Manana orinasam-pandefasana entana izahay mba hanome ny saran'ny fandefasana tsara indrindra

Raha manana olana momba ny fitarafana, na te-hahafantatra antsipiriany bebe kokoa momba ny fitaovana Vet, milina laboratoara, Fanaka hôpitaly, sns. Tongasoa eto aminay!

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  • Sally 10:12 pm, ankehitriny
    Salama, Andriamatoa / Ramatoa, tongasoa eto amin'ny tranokalanay! Izaho no Sally,ahoana no tokony hiantsoako anao?