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Medical veterinary flexible endoscope system for small animals with 15LCD monitor
Jereo bebe kokoa sary

HC-R066 can achieve endoscopic imaging, and the resulting image resolution is high. The system was tested by simulating mucosal lesions of oral ulcer. It was proved that the system can detect mucosal lesions effectively, and the detection rate of lesions was up to 90.0%. With clear imaging and small diameter of the mirror, the system can greatly improve the comfort of endoscopy for patients and provide an ideal solution for the primary screening of digestive tract diseases.

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Veterinary Flexible endoscope system for small animals with 15"LCD monitor






Endoscope can be applied in various scenarios. It can be entered into the human body through natural channels such as oral cavity or surgically made channels to help doctors screen and diagnose diseases. At present, it can also assist doctors to perform minimally invasive surgery.

Tombontsoa vokatra

Veterinary Flexible endoscope system for small animals with 15"LCD monitor


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• Fanomezana fitaovana ara-pitsaboana mahomby

• Ny varotra matihanina sy ny ekipa teknisianina tompon'andraikitra amin'ny fanontanianao rehetra, ary tonga hatrany amin'ny teboka.

• Tolo-kevitra vokatra isan-karazany ho an'ny filanao samihafa sy ny teti-bola samihafa.

Ny vokatra vita rehetra dia tsy maintsy mandalo 4 fanamarinana amin'ny dingana rehetra:

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Q:How ny place ordMAHAVONONA nY R066 Medical veterinary flexible endoscope system for small animals with 15"LCD monitor?


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• Ary koa ny fotoana fanaterana dia miankina amin'ny quantity.For R066 Medical veterinary flexible endoscope system for small animals with 15"LCD monitor MAHAVONONA 10 andro fiasana.

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