Ngā Kāwai Hua Nga Hua kua tohua Whakapā mai

Cheap price comprehensive emergency care training simulator
Tirohia etahi atu pikitia

HC-S103 can display the internal organs and systems of the human body in a comprehensive, multi-directional and intuitive way, and show the position of organs and systems in the human body in an accurate way, which is convenient for teaching and medical practice.

Whakatupato: He tohenga muhu i tukuna mo mua() i roto /www/wwwroot/ i runga i te raina 212

Taipitopito Hua
Urupare Inaianei

korero hua

1. The dynamic bar code indicator shows the pressing depth;
2, the count display; detailed record the number of correct and error, and distinguish the cause of the error;
3, language prompts: Chinese voice prompts, detailed tips for the specific reasons for pressing errors, so that the trainers can correct in time;
4. The real-time operation waveform diagram shows the process of pressing operation;
5, real-time rectangle shows the depth of compression (through the red, green, yellow, gray visually reflects the operation process)


Nga tono

1. The dynamic bar code indicator shows the pressing depth;
2, the count display; detailed record the number of correct and error, and distinguish the cause of the error;
3, language prompts: Chinese voice prompts, detailed tips for the specific reasons for pressing errors, so that the trainers can correct in time;
4. The real-time operation waveform diagram shows the process of pressing operation;
5, real-time rectangle shows the depth of compression (through the red, green, yellow, gray visually reflects the operation process)






• Te whakautu tika: Mo o patai katoa, ka whakapau kaha matou ki te whakautu i roto 24 haora

• Te Kounga Kounga: Takirua te kounga i mua i te tuku, mena he raru te kounga ka utua e matou.

• I te wa e tukuna ana: Ka tukuna to ota ina mutu te mana o te kounga

• I te wa i muri i nga ratonga hoko: Ko nga patai i muri i te hoko ka whakautuhia i roto 24 haora.


• Neke atu i te 13 nga tau o te wheako o te kaihanga taputapu rongoa

• Te whakarato taputapu hauora tino utu

• Hokohoko ngaio me te roopu hangarau te kawenga mo ia patai, me te tika ki te waahi.

• He maha nga taunakitanga hua mo o hiahia rereke me to tahua rereke.

Ko nga hua kua oti katoa me haere 4 arowhai i roto i te tukanga katoa:

1. Te tirotiro i nga waahanga

2. I roto i te tirotiro tirotiro

3. Te tirotiro whakamutunga i mua i te taake

4. Tirohia te mana kounga i mua i te tuku


Q:How to place order of HC-S103 Cheap price comprehensive emergency care training simulator



• I te tuatahi ka whakaūhia e matou nga taipitopito hua ka tukuna atu te Nama Proforma,

• Ka utua e koe ki a matou ma te T / T, Western Union, MoneyGram ranei,

• I muri i to whakau i to utu ka tukuna atu te hua ki a koe ina oti te hanga.

Q: He aha to whakamana?


• Mo te nuinga o nga hua ko te whakamana mo 12 marama, etahi hua ka whakaratohia e matou 18 marama pūtāhui.

• Mo te mihini ultrasound haputanga puku ka whakaratohia e matou 12 marama pūtāhui.

Q: He aha to wa tuku?


• Ko te tikanga 5 nga ra mahi mena kei roto nga taonga. I roto 10 nga ra mahi mena ka hiahia nga taonga ki te whakaputa,

• A hoki te wa tuku tei runga i quantity.For HC-S103 Cheap price comprehensive emergency care training simulator is delivery for 10 days.

Q: Me pehea te tuku i te hua?


• Ko te huarahi tuku ka whakawhirinaki ki to rahinga, CBM katoa me te taumaha.

• Kei a matou ake kamupene kaipuke hei whakarato i nga utu kaipuke pai rawa atu

Mena kei a koe etahi raruraru mo ophthalmology , kei te hiahia ranei koe ki te mohio ki etahi atu korero mo nga taputapu Vet, Miihini taiwhanga, Taonga Hopipera, etc.

Tukuna mai to korero ki a matou:
Kōrerorero ki a Sally
kua 1902 karere

  • Sally 10:12 AM, I tenei ra
    Kia ora, e te rangatira/mama, nau mai ki to maatau paetukutuku! Ko Sally ahau,me pehea taku korero ki a koe?