Ngā Kāwai Hua Nga Hua kua tohua Whakapā mai

Digital portable color doppler 12 Inch ultrasound machine
Tirohia etahi atu pikitia

Digital ultrasonic detector can detect several kinds of defects in the workpiece quickly, without damage and accurately.This model HC-A004 helps your clinic meets daily need of abdominal pregnancy ultrasound scan, obstetric scan and MSK diagnostic.

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Taipitopito Hua
Urupare Inaianei

korero hua

Happycare HC-A004 Ultrasound machine preprogramed multiple language options, light and portable design, and much clear image than similar black & white ultrasound.

.Standard probe: 3.5MHZ Convex;
.Detecting depth:≥ 220mm;
.Blind zone: ≤5mm;
.Display mode: B; B+B; B+M; M;4B
.Gray Scale: 256;
.Image amplification: ×1.0; ×1.2; ×1.5; ×2.0;
.Local zoom: 2 times;
.Electronical focusing: 4 focuses combination randomly;
.Depth shift: B, B+B modes real time shift;
.Resolution: lateral≤ 2mm; axial≤1mm;
.Frame correlation: B, B+B modes 3 level;
.Image reverse: up/down; left/right; black/white;
.Measurement: distance; circumference; area; heart rate; gestational week; fetal weight etc;
.Annotation: time; date; ID; age; sex; detecting depth; probe type; focus; frame correlation etc;
.Chinese-English inter-conversion;
.Image load/storage; 32
.Obstetric table: BPD; CRL; GS; FL; AC;


Nga tono

.Tumor: malignant tumor (extrahepatic growing, inverted;), intestinal tumor(colon cancer, rectal cancer), gastic polyp;

. Inflammation and ulcer: chronic gastritis, menetrier, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer;

. Congenital abnormality of gestrointestinal tract: congenital pyloric stenosis; gestrointestinal double malformation;

. Acute gastrectasis, gastric execise dysfunction; gastric foreign body; gastroptosis etc; general examination of liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, urinary system and etc.

Product advantages

.Standard probe: 3.5MHZ Convex;
.Detecting depth:≥ 220mm;
.Blind zone: ≤5mm;
.Display mode: B; B+B; B+M; M;4B
.Gray Scale: 256;
.Image amplification: ×1.0; ×1.2; ×1.5; ×2.0;
.Local zoom: 2 times;
.Electronical focusing: 4 focuses combination randomly;
.Depth shift: B, B+B modes real time shift;
.Resolution: lateral≤ 2mm; axial≤1mm;
.Frame correlation: B, B+B modes 3 level;
.Image reverse: up/down; left/right; black/white;
.Measurement: distance; circumference; area; heart rate; gestational week; fetal weight etc;
.Annotation: time; date; ID; age; sex; detecting depth; probe type; focus; frame correlation etc;
.Chinese-English inter-conversion;
.Image load/storage; 32
.Obstetric table: BPD; CRL; GS; FL; AC;

Project cases


• Te whakautu tika: Mo o patai katoa, ka whakapau kaha matou ki te whakautu i roto 24 haora

• Te Kounga Kounga: Takirua te kounga i mua i te tuku, mena he raru te kounga ka utua e matou.

• I te wa e tukuna ana: Ka tukuna to ota ina mutu te mana o te kounga

• I te wa i muri i nga ratonga hoko: Ko nga patai i muri i te hoko ka whakautuhia i roto 24 haora.


• Neke atu i te 13 nga tau o te wheako o te kaihanga taputapu rongoa

• Te whakarato taputapu hauora tino utu

• Hokohoko ngaio me te roopu hangarau te kawenga mo ia patai, me te tika ki te waahi.

• He maha nga taunakitanga hua mo o hiahia rereke me to tahua rereke.

Ko nga hua kua oti katoa me haere 4 arowhai i roto i te tukanga katoa:

1. Te tirotiro i nga waahanga

2. I roto i te tirotiro tirotiro

3. Te tirotiro whakamutunga i mua i te taake

4. Tirohia te mana kounga i mua i te tuku


Q: How to place order of A004 Digital portable color doppler 12 Inch ultrasound machine?


• I te tuatahi ka whakaūhia e matou nga taipitopito hua ka tukuna atu te Nama Proforma,

• Ka utua e koe ki a matou ma te T / T, Western Union, MoneyGram ranei,

• I muri i to whakau i to utu ka tukuna atu te hua ki a koe ina oti te hanga.

Q: He aha to whakamana?


• Mo te nuinga o nga hua ko te whakamana mo 12 marama, etahi hua ka whakaratohia e matou 18 marama pūtāhui.

• Mo te mihini ultrasound haputanga puku ka whakaratohia e matou 12 marama pūtāhui.

Q: He aha to wa tuku?


• Ko te tikanga 5 nga ra mahi mena kei roto nga taonga. I roto 10 nga ra mahi mena ka hiahia nga taonga ki te whakaputa,

• And also the delivery time depends on quantity. For A004 Digital portable color doppler 12 Inch ultrasound machine the delivery time is 10 nga ra mahi.

Q: Me pehea te tuku i te hua?


• Ko te huarahi tuku ka whakawhirinaki ki to rahinga, CBM katoa me te taumaha.

• Kei a matou ake kamupene kaipuke hei whakarato i nga utu kaipuke pai rawa atu

Mena kei a koe etahi raruraru mo Ultrasound, kei te hiahia ranei koe ki te mohio ki etahi atu korero mo nga taputapu Vet, Miihini taiwhanga, Taonga Hopipera, etc. Nau mai ki te whakapā mai!Digital portable color doppler 12 Inch ultrasound machine

Tukuna mai to korero ki a matou:
Kōrerorero ki a Sally
kua 1902 karere

  • Sally 14:56.PM  Mar.13,2025
    Kia ora, e te rangatira/mama, nau mai ki to maatau paetukutuku! Ko Sally ahau,me pehea taku korero ki a koe?