Features :
1.It’s a handset device: small, portable and proven to be accurate by several independent clinical studies, which also confirms the exceptional user and patient friendliness of this device
2.The probe has very less contact with patient, avoiding discomfort reaction.
3.Automatic exist function of probe
4.Easy and fast measuring with outstanding accuracy and consistency without the need of anesthesia
5.One-time use of the probe to avoid cross-infection
6.Measurement can go along both in standing and lying posture
7.Wireless data printing
8.Esay to learn ,easy to use
9.Lightweight and handy
10.No anesthesia, avoiding discomfort reaction
* During every measurement, there are 3 measuring datas on the disaplay, and the machine may calculate the average
Features :
1.It’s a handset device: small, portable and proven to be accurate by several independent clinical studies, which also confirms the exceptional user and patient friendliness of this device
2.The probe has very less contact with patient, avoiding discomfort reaction.
3.Automatic exist function of probe
4.Easy and fast measuring with outstanding accuracy and consistency without the need of anesthesia
5.One-time use of the probe to avoid cross-infection
6.Measurement can go along both in standing and lying posture
7.Wireless data printing
8.Esay to learn ,easy to use
9.Lightweight and handy
10.No anesthesia, avoiding discomfort reaction
* During every measurement, there are 3 measuring datas on the disaplay, and the machine may calculate the average
• Te whakautu tika: Mo o patai katoa, ka whakapau kaha matou ki te whakautu i roto 24 haora
• Te Kounga Kounga: Takirua te kounga i mua i te tuku, mena he raru te kounga ka utua e matou.
• I te wa e tukuna ana: Ka tukuna to ota ina mutu te mana o te kounga
• I te wa i muri i nga ratonga hoko: Ko nga patai i muri i te hoko ka whakautuhia i roto 24 haora.
• Neke atu i te 13 nga tau o te wheako o te kaihanga taputapu rongoa
• Te whakarato taputapu hauora tino utu
• Hokohoko ngaio me te roopu hangarau te kawenga mo ia patai, me te tika ki te waahi.
• He maha nga taunakitanga hua mo o hiahia rereke me to tahua rereke.
Ko nga hua kua oti katoa me haere 4 arowhai i roto i te tukanga katoa:
1. Te tirotiro i nga waahanga
2. I roto i te tirotiro tirotiro
3. Te tirotiro whakamutunga i mua i te taake
4. Tirohia te mana kounga i mua i te tuku
Q:How to place order of HC-Q028 High quality portable tonometer
• I te tuatahi ka whakaūhia e matou nga taipitopito hua ka tukuna atu te Nama Proforma,
• Ka utua e koe ki a matou ma te T / T, Western Union, MoneyGram ranei,
• I muri i to whakau i to utu ka tukuna atu te hua ki a koe ina oti te hanga.
Q: He aha to whakamana?
• Mo te nuinga o nga hua ko te whakamana mo 12 marama, etahi hua ka whakaratohia e matou 18 marama pūtāhui.
• Mo te mihini ultrasound haputanga puku ka whakaratohia e matou 12 marama pūtāhui.
Q: He aha to wa tuku?
• Ko te tikanga 5 nga ra mahi mena kei roto nga taonga. I roto 10 nga ra mahi mena ka hiahia nga taonga ki te whakaputa,
• A hoki te wa tuku tei runga i quantity.For HC-Q028 High quality portable tonometer
is delivery for 10 days.
Q: Me pehea te tuku i te hua?
• Ko te huarahi tuku ka whakawhirinaki ki to rahinga, CBM katoa me te taumaha.
• Kei a matou ake kamupene kaipuke hei whakarato i nga utu kaipuke pai rawa atu
Mena kei a koe etahi raruraru mo ophthalmology , kei te hiahia ranei koe ki te mohio ki etahi atu korero mo nga taputapu Vet, Miihini taiwhanga, Taonga Hopipera, etc.