бүтээгдэхүүний мэдээлэл Сормуусны электролитийн аппарат нь гэрийн тэжээвэр амьтдад зориулагдсан, Үндсэн машины гаралтын хүчдэл нь 6V гаралтын DC50mAplus 50mA. DC электролизийн зарчмаар, электролитийн ус ба биеийн эд эсийн давс, эд эс хийх ...
Цааш унших ЛАВЛАГААНД НЭМЭХproduct information Happycare HC-R058B Veterinary TCI machine apply disposable insemination catheter and shunts that allows directly discards consumables after insemination, saving cost of disinfection AI rod. Large display helps reviewing real time images…
Цааш унших ЛАВЛАГААНД НЭМЭХбүтээгдэхүүний мэдээлэл · Two counting modes: whole blood and prediluted · Throughput: 60 samples per hour · Micro sampling of 13 ul · Automatic diluting, lyzing, mixing, rinsing and unclogging · Storage for…
Цааш унших ЛАВЛАГААНД НЭМЭХбүтээгдэхүүний мэдээлэл 400 цаг тутамд туршилт, хүртэл 530 ISE-тэй нэг цагт тест хийх (К, Аль хэдийн, Cl) · 24-урвалжийн тавиурыг хөргөгчинд нэг цаг байлгана · Баригдсан зураасан код сканнер · Бие даасан холигч хутгагч ·…
Цааш унших ЛАВЛАГААНД НЭМЭХproduct information Features Laser scatter differential to ensure outstanding accuracy Semi-conductor laser scatter to differentiate white blood cells by cell size and granule complexity Patented cluster algorithm to separate cell groups with great…
Цааш унших ЛАВЛАГААНД НЭМЭХproduct information Technical SpecificationsPrinciples– Impedance method for RBC and PLT counting Cyanide free reagent for hemoglobin test Flow Cytometry (FCM) + Tri-angle laser scatter + Chemical dye method for WBC 5-part dierential analysis…
Цааш унших ЛАВЛАГААНД НЭМЭХproduct information Three-part differentiation of WBC, 19 параметрүүд +3 histograms · Two counting modes: whole blood and prediluted · Throughput: 30 samples per hour · Sample volume: 13 ul (бүхэл цус) · Storage…
Цааш унших ЛАВЛАГААНД НЭМЭХproduct information Throughput 30 samples/hour Display Large Color LCD Display Alerts Reagent & waste alert, Error message Carryover WBC,RBC, HGB≤0.5%,PLT≤1% Aperture Single Patented aperture technology high pressure Printout built-in thermal recorder,50mm wide paper…
Цааш унших ЛАВЛАГААНД НЭМЭХproduct information Type Hematology analyzer Moddle number Mindray bc2600 Certificate NOEN Language: English Display Color LCD display Dimension 322(В) x 437(Х) x 386(Д) Temperature 15°C~30°C Resolution 640 x 480 Нарийвчлал 95%-98% Humidity 30%~85%…
Цааш унших ЛАВЛАГААНД НЭМЭХproduct information Trolley: carton + wooden base: 79cm*65cm*103cm 36KG Accessories Carton: TCD/ Bone density Host computer printer: 52cm*41cm*62cm 16KG Applications Ultrasonic bone densitometer is suitable for all…
Цааш унших ЛАВЛАГААНД НЭМЭХбүтээгдэхүүний мэдээлэл 1, large screen clear LCD display 2, detection accuracy: 5 × 10-18mol / ATP 3, detection range: 0 руу 9999 RLUs 4, detection time: 15 секунд 5, detection error: ±…
Цааш унших ЛАВЛАГААНД НЭМЭХproduct information Model HC-B087Max Cap. 100g Readability 0.01gPan Size(мм) Φ130 Display LCD(White Back Light)Power 220V/110v; dry Batteries, rechargeable battery(сонголттой)Unit g, ct, oz, фунт, GN, %, pcsOutline dimension(см) 30*19*10cm Packing Size(см) 33*28*15cm G.W.(кг)…
Цааш унших ЛАВЛАГААНД НЭМЭХproduct information Microcomputer controls temperature intelligently,with setting& measuring temperature , PID self-regulation function,alarm over-temperature, stainless steel interior. Temperature range:RT+5-65℃ Temperature fluctuation: ±1℃ Working size:250×250×250 (мм)power:150W Applications…
Цааш унших ЛАВЛАГААНД НЭМЭХproduct information FEATURES:LCD display with special connector can be used for biological microscope and stereo microscope, after installing, can observe the slides and objects easily, especially for industrial parts’ checking, can reduce…
Цааш унших ЛАВЛАГААНД НЭМЭХбүтээгдэхүүний мэдээлэл Үзүүлэлт:High quality apochromatic objective Achromatic Objectives: 4X、10X、40X(S)、100X(S、Oil) Eyepiece:Wide Field Eyepiece:WF10X,WF16X Viewing head: Trincular head Stage:Double Layer Mechanical Stage Size 140X140mm,Moving Range 75X45mm Focusing: Coaxial Coarse and Fine Adjustment,Focusing Range 30mm,Focusing…
Цааш унших ЛАВЛАГААНД НЭМЭХproduct information Viewing Head Sliding Binocular Head, at 45° Rotatable Objective Achromatic DIN 4X,10X,40X(С),100X(С,Oil)Eyepiece Wide Field Eyepiece WF10X,P16XStage Single Layers Mechanical Stage140X140mm/75X75mm Condenser Abbe NA1.25 with lris Diaphragm& FilterIllumination Built-in Illumination, Halogen…
Цааш унших ЛАВЛАГААНД НЭМЭХproduct information microprocessor control,digital display inner temperatureStainless steel interior The aluminum ring coversuitable for thermostatic , baking, dewaxing, sterilization. Temperature range: RT+5℃~95℃,temperature fluctuation:≤±1℃,stainless steel interior Heating power :2000W Working size: 600×300×120 mm…
Цааш унших ЛАВЛАГААНД НЭМЭХproduct information This pivot, gate used high strength project plastic made, with safely switch, beautiful sculpt, дуу чимээ багатай, high efficiency, controlled by microcomputer, automatically balanced, driving by brushless electricity machine, without maintenance,…
Цааш унших ЛАВЛАГААНД НЭМЭХproduct information Micro heamatocrit Centrifuge is used for accurate determination of blood cell and also for precipitation and separation of little amount blood and solution. Take a little amount of blood,(you can…
Цааш унших ЛАВЛАГААНД НЭМЭХбүтээгдэхүүний мэдээлэл Хүчин чадал:20ml×6It has the advantages of small cubage low weight, large capacity ,low noise and so on. It can be operated conveniently. It is an ideal instrument for hospitals, labs to…