Kategoriji tal-Prodotti Prodotti Dehru Ikkuntatjana

Advanced full-featured nursing training simulator
Ara aktar stampi

HC-S104 can display the internal organs and systems of the human body in a comprehensive, multi-directional and intuitive way, and show the position of organs and systems in the human body in an accurate way, which is convenient for teaching and medical practice.

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Dettall tal-Prodott
Feedback Issa

informazzjoni dwar il-prodott

1. Dynamic bar code indicator shows the pressing depth: the pressing depth is correct (5-6cm area). The bar code is displayed by green light. The pressing depth is not enough (less than 5cm). The bar code is yellow, and the pressing depth is too deep (greater than 6cm). Dynamic feedback shows the CPR compression depth.
2. Liquid crystal count display: Record the number of correct and incorrect presses (the pressure is too large, the pressing force is too small, and the pressing position is wrong).
3, 钜 chart statistics: a detailed chart, such as pressing correctly, pressing force is too large, pressing force is insufficient, pressing error, eċċ.
4, language prompts: Chinese voice prompts, detailed tips for the specific reason for pressing the error so that the trainer can correct in time.



1. Dynamic bar code indicator shows the pressing depth: the pressing depth is correct (5-6cm area). The bar code is displayed by green light. The pressing depth is not enough (less than 5cm). The bar code is yellow, and the pressing depth is too deep (greater than 6cm). Dynamic feedback shows the CPR compression depth.
2. Liquid crystal count display: Record the number of correct and incorrect presses (the pressure is too large, the pressing force is too small, and the pressing position is wrong).
3, 钜 chart statistics: a detailed chart, such as pressing correctly, pressing force is too large, pressing force is insufficient, pressing error, eċċ.
4, language prompts: Chinese voice prompts, detailed tips for the specific reason for pressing the error so that the trainer can correct in time.






• Tweġiba fil-ħin: Għall-inkjesta kollha tiegħek, aħna nippruvaw nagħmlu l-almu tagħna biex inwieġbu fi ħdan 24 sigħat

• Assigurazzjoni tal-Kwalità: Iċċekkja doppja tal-kwalità qabel it-tbaħħir, jekk problema ta ' kwalità aħna se nagħtu kumpens.

• Tbaħħir fil-ħin: L-ordni tiegħek tintbagħat ladarba jintemm il-kontroll tal-kwalità

• Servizzi ta' wara l-bejgħ fil-ħin: Kwalunkwe mistoqsija ta 'wara l-bejgħ tingħata tweġiba fi ħdan 24 sigħat.


• Aktar minn 13 snin esperjenza ta 'manifattur ta' tagħmir mediku

• Jipprovdu tagħmir mediku effettiv ħafna fl-ispiża

• Bejgħ professjonali u tim tekniku responsabbli għal kull mistoqsija minnkom, u dritt sal-punt.

• Rakkomandazzjoni tal-prodott varji għall-ħtieġa varji tiegħek u l-baġit differenti.

Il-prodotti lesti kollha jridu jgħaddu 4 kontrolli fil-proċess kollu:

1. Spezzjoni tal-komponenti

2. Fl-ispezzjoni tal-ipproċessar

3. Spezzjoni finali qabel l-ippakkjar

4. Kontroll tal-kontroll tal-kwalità qabel it-tbaħħir


Q:How to place order of HC-S104 Advanced full-featured nursing training simulator



• L-ewwelnett nikkonfermaw id-dettalji tal-prodott u mbagħad nibagħtu l-Fattura Proforma,

• Inti tagħmel ħlas lilna permezz T/T, Western Union jew MoneyGram,

• Wara li nikkonfermaw il-ħlas tiegħek imbagħad nibgħatulek il-prodott ladarba tkun lest il-produzzjoni.

Q: X'inhi l-garanzija tiegħek?


• Għall-biċċa l-kbira tal-prodotti l-garanzija hija għal 12 xhur, xi prodotti li nipprovdu 18 xhur ta' garanzija.

• Għall-magna tal-ultrasound tat-tqala addominali nipprovdu 12 xhur ta' garanzija.

Q: X'inhu l-ħin tal-kunsinna tiegħek?


• Ġeneralment huwa 5 ġranet tax-xogħol jekk oġġetti fl-istokk. Fi ħdan 10 ġranet tax-xogħol jekk il-merkanzija teħtieġ produzzjoni,

• U wkoll il-ħin tal-kunsinna jiddependi fuq il-kwantità.Għal HC-S104 Advanced full-featured nursing training simulator

hija konsenja għal 10 jiem.

Q: Kif tibgħat il-prodott?


• Il-mod tat-tbaħħir normalment jiddependi fuq il-kwantità tiegħek, CBM totali u piż.

• Għandna l-kumpanija tat-tbaħħir tagħna stess biex nipprovdu l-aħjar spiża tat-tbaħħir

Jekk għandek xi problemi dwar ophthalmology , jew trid tkun taf aktar dettalji dwar tagħmir Vet, Magna tal-laboratorju, Għamara tal-isptar, eċċ.

Ibgħatilna l-messaġġ tiegħek:
Chat ma' Sally
diġà 1902 messaġġi

  • Sally 10:12 AM, Illum
    Bongu, Għażiż Sinjur/Sinjura, merħba lill-websajt tagħna! Jien Sally,kif għandi nindirizzak?