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Cheap price Advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Onani zithunzi zambiri

HC-S015 can display the internal organs and systems of the human body in a comprehensive, multi-directional and intuitive way, and show the position of organs and systems in the human body in an accurate way, which is convenient for teaching and medical practice.

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Tsatanetsatane wa Zamalonda
Ndemanga Tsopano

zambiri zamalonda

When the artificial hand is pressed outside the chest:
1. The dynamic bar code indicator shows the pressing depth;
2, the count display; detailed record the number of correct and error, and distinguish the cause of the error;
3, language prompts: Chinese voice prompts, detailed tips for the specific reasons for pressing errors, so that the trainers can correct in time;
4. The real-time operation waveform diagram shows the process of pressing operation;
5, real-time rectangle shows the depth of compression (through the red, green, yellow, gray visually reflects the operation process);



When the artificial hand is pressed outside the chest:
1. The dynamic bar code indicator shows the pressing depth;
2, the count display; detailed record the number of correct and error, and distinguish the cause of the error;
3, language prompts: Chinese voice prompts, detailed tips for the specific reasons for pressing errors, so that the trainers can correct in time;
4. The real-time operation waveform diagram shows the process of pressing operation;
5, real-time rectangle shows the depth of compression (through the red, green, yellow, gray visually reflects the operation process);






• Yankhani pa nthawi yake: Pamafunso anu onse, tidzayesetsa kuyankha mkati 24 maola

• Chitsimikizo chadongosolo: Yang'anani kawiri kawiri musanatumize, ngati vuto vuto tidzapereka chipukuta misozi.

• Kutumiza nthawi: Oda yanu idzatumizidwa mukamaliza kuwongolera khalidwe

• Pa nthawi pambuyo ntchito zogulitsa: Funso lililonse pambuyo pa malonda lidzayankhidwa mkati 24 maola.


• Kuposa 13 zaka zambiri za wopanga zida zamankhwala

• Kupereka zida zachipatala zotsika mtengo kwambiri

• Gulu la akatswiri ogulitsa ndi akatswiri omwe ali ndi udindo wofunsa aliyense wa inu, ndipo mpaka pa mfundo.

• Zosiyanasiyana zopangira pa zosowa zanu zosiyanasiyana komanso bajeti yosiyana.

Zinthu zonse zomalizidwa ziyenera kudutsa 4 fufuzani mu ndondomeko yonse:

1. Kuwunika kwamagulu

2. Mu processing kuyendera

3. Kuyendera komaliza musanayambe kunyamula

4. Kuwongolera kwaubwino musanayambe kutumiza


Q:How to place order of HC-S015 Cheap price Advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation



• Choyamba timatsimikizira zamalonda ndikutumiza Invoice ya Proforma,

• Mumatilipira kudzera mu T/T, Western Union kapena MoneyGram,

• Tikatsimikizira malipiro anu ndiye kutumiza mankhwala kwa inu mukamaliza kupanga.

Q: Kodi chitsimikizo chanu ndi chiyani?


• Pazinthu zambiri chitsimikizo ndi cha 12 miyezi, zinthu zina zomwe timapereka 18 miyezi chitsimikizo.

• Pakuti mimba mimba ultrasound makina timapereka 12 miyezi chitsimikizo.

Q: Nthawi yanu yobweretsera ndi yanji?


• Nthawi zambiri zimakhala choncho 5 masiku ogwira ntchito ngati katundu ali mgulu. Mkati 10 masiku ogwira ntchito ngati katundu akufunika kupanga,

• Komanso nthawi yobereka imadalira kuchuluka.Kwa HC-S015 Cheap price Advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation is delivery for 10 masiku.

Q: Momwe mungatumizire katunduyo?


• Njira yotumizira nthawi zambiri imadalira kuchuluka kwanu, CBM yonse ndi kulemera kwake.

• Tili ndi kampani yathu yotumizira kuti tipereke mtengo wabwino kwambiri wotumizira

Ngati muli ndi mavuto ophthalmology , kapena mukufuna kudziwa zambiri za zida za Vet, Makina a Laboratory, Mipando Yoyembekezera, ndi.

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  • Sally 10:12 AM, Lero
    Moni, okondedwa bwana/madam, kulandila patsamba lathu! Ndine Sally,ndikulankhuleni bwanji?