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Medical stair stretcher in good condition
Onani zithunzi zambiri

HC-J004 played a decisive role.When there is an emergency, whether a heart attack or a hurricane, it is critical that healthcare providers have access to health information about any patient in need of assistance.

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Tsatanetsatane wa Zamalonda
Ndemanga Tsopano

zambiri zamalonda

The stair stretcher is used to transport the patient in a small space such as a corridor, and is small in size and can be placed in the car.

Detailed description of DETAILED DESCRIPTION
1. The product is made of high-quality aluminum alloy material, which is light, safe and reliable, and is suitable for transporting patients in a small space.
2. There are telescopic folding handles on the front and back for easy lifting of the patient.
3. Equipped with four silent casters for easy implementation on the ground.
4. Foldable and foldable to reduce storage space and easy to carry.

Product size (length * width * height) (expanded): 52*48*91cm
Product size (length * width * height) (after folding): 91 * 52 * 19cm
Weight: 11kg
Bearing capacity: 160kg



Amagwiritsidwa ntchito kwambiri m'zipatala zazikulu, zipatala zakutawuni, zipatala zachigawo.

Ubwino wa Zinthu

The stair stretcher is used to transport the patient in a small space such as a corridor, and is small in size and can be placed in the car.

Detailed description of DETAILED DESCRIPTION
1. The product is made of high-quality aluminum alloy material, which is light, safe and reliable, and is suitable for transporting patients in a small space.
2. There are telescopic folding handles on the front and back for easy lifting of the patient.
3. Equipped with four silent casters for easy implementation on the ground.
4. Foldable and foldable to reduce storage space and easy to carry.

Product size (length * width * height) (expanded): 52*48*91cm
Product size (length * width * height) (after folding): 91 * 52 * 19cm
Weight: 11kg
Bearing capacity: 160kg



• Yankhani pa nthawi yake: Pamafunso anu onse, tidzayesetsa kuyankha mkati 24 maola

• Chitsimikizo chadongosolo: Yang'anani kawiri kawiri musanatumize, ngati vuto vuto tidzapereka chipukuta misozi.

• Kutumiza nthawi: Oda yanu idzatumizidwa mukamaliza kuwongolera khalidwe

• Pa nthawi pambuyo ntchito zogulitsa: Funso lililonse pambuyo pa malonda lidzayankhidwa mkati 24 maola.


• Kuposa 13 zaka zambiri za wopanga zida zamankhwala

• Kupereka zida zachipatala zotsika mtengo kwambiri

• Gulu la akatswiri ogulitsa ndi akatswiri omwe ali ndi udindo wofunsa aliyense wa inu, ndipo mpaka pa mfundo.

• Zosiyanasiyana zopangira pa zosowa zanu zosiyanasiyana komanso bajeti yosiyana.

Zinthu zonse zomalizidwa ziyenera kudutsa 4 fufuzani mu ndondomeko yonse:

1. Kuwunika kwamagulu

2. Mu processing kuyendera

3. Kuyendera komaliza musanayambe kunyamula

4. Kuwongolera kwaubwino musanayambe kutumiza


Q:How to place order of HC-J004 Medical stair stretcher in good condition



• Choyamba timatsimikizira zamalonda ndikutumiza Invoice ya Proforma,

• Mumatilipira kudzera mu T/T, Western Union kapena MoneyGram,

• Tikatsimikizira malipiro anu ndiye kutumiza mankhwala kwa inu mukamaliza kupanga.

Q: Kodi chitsimikizo chanu ndi chiyani?


• Pazinthu zambiri chitsimikizo ndi cha 12 miyezi, zinthu zina zomwe timapereka 18 miyezi chitsimikizo.

• Pakuti mimba mimba ultrasound makina timapereka 12 miyezi chitsimikizo.

Q: Nthawi yanu yobweretsera ndi yanji?


• Nthawi zambiri zimakhala choncho 5 masiku ogwira ntchito ngati katundu ali mgulu. Mkati 10 masiku ogwira ntchito ngati katundu akufunika kupanga,

• Komanso nthawi yobereka imadalira kuchuluka.Kwa HC-J004 Medical stair stretcher in good condition

is delivery 10 masiku.

Q: Momwe mungatumizire katunduyo?


• Njira yotumizira nthawi zambiri imadalira kuchuluka kwanu, CBM yonse ndi kulemera kwake.

• Tili ndi kampani yathu yotumizira kuti tipereke mtengo wabwino kwambiri wotumizira

Ngati muli ndi mavuto Zida zadzidzidzi , kapena mukufuna kudziwa zambiri za zida za Vet, Makina a Laboratory, Mipando Yoyembekezera, ndi.

Tumizani uthenga wanu kuti ife:
Chezani ndi Sally
kale 1902 mauthenga

  • Sally 10:12 AM, Lero
    Moni, okondedwa bwana/madam, kulandila patsamba lathu! Ndine Sally,ndikulankhuleni bwanji?