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Good Condition LCD Display Microscope
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HC-R079 magnifies tiny objects that are indistinguishable to the human eye in order to extract information about their fine structures. This helps us understand the microscopic appearance and composition of the sample which can reach 2000 times, and the magnification of electron microscopes can exceed 3 million times. It has become an indispensable microscopic device in daily medical diagnosis and medical microscopic research.

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FEATURES:LCD display with special connector can be used for biological microscope and stereo microscope, after installing, can observe the slides and objects easily, especially for industrial parts’ checking, can reduce the visual fatigue and improve checking efficiency.


Data:Device Dimension: 1/3”Horizontal

Resolution: 700TVline

Pixels: 976(H)X582(V)LED

Technical Data:Display

Dimension: 800X600

Color: 16,777,216colors

Highest Mode: 1024X768@75HzColor

System: PAL/NTSC4.43/NTSC3.58/SECAM

Microscope Specification:Eyepiece: WF10X/18mm(Optional: WF16X)

Objective: 45mm DIN achromatic objective 4X,10X,40X(s),100X(s,oil)

Viewing Head: Trinocular head, 30°inclined,360°rotatable

Total Magnification: 40X-1600X

Mechanical Stage: 125X125mm,

X-Y moving range:60X40mmCondense








Microscopes are used for laboratory examination, especially studying samples, to detect the presence of pathogens such as microorganisms, bacteria, or other potentially deadly microorganisms. For example, in histopathology, a microscope is used to look at tissue samples for diagnosis.

FEATURES:LCD display with special connector can be used for biological microscope and stereo microscope, after installing, can observe the slides and objects easily, especially for industrial parts’ checking, can reduce the visual fatigue and improve checking efficiency.


Data:Device Dimension: 1/3”Horizontal

Resolution: 700TVline

Pixels: 976(H)X582(V)LED

Technical Data:Display

Dimension: 800X600

Color: 16,777,216colors

Highest Mode: 1024X768@75HzColor

System: PAL/NTSC4.43/NTSC3.58/SECAM

Microscope Specification:Eyepiece: WF10X/18mm(Optional: WF16X)

Objective: 45mm DIN achromatic objective 4X,10X,40X(s),100X(s,oil)

Viewing Head: Trinocular head, 30°inclined,360°rotatable

Total Magnification: 40X-1600X

Mechanical Stage: 125X125mm,

X-Y moving range:60X40mmCondense






• Respuesta tso̲ngar ora: Pa ga̲tho yá ja ya nt'ani, Haremos nga̲tho nä'ä dar tsa̲ da responder dentro ar 24 ya ora

•Garantía ar hño: Doble control hño 'be̲tho ar envío, Xähmö nu'bu̲ 'nar hñäki hño, bí daremos 'nar compensación.

• Envío tso̲ngar ora: Ár pedido da enviado 'nar pa finalizado control hño

• 'Befi postventa tso̲ngar ora: 'Na ya nt'a̲ni postventa da respondida dentro ar 24 ya ora.


•Más da 13 ya je̲ya mfeni komongu fabricante equipos médicos

• Proporcionar equipos médicos altamente rentables

• Equipo xi hño ar tsa̲ ventas ne técnicos responsable kadu 'na yá ya nt'a̲ni, Ne directo ja ar grano.

• Ndunthe 'mehni productos pa 'na'ño yá ndu ne 'na'ño ya Nt'ungumfädi.

Ga̲tho ya productos terminados pe̲ts'i da thoka hño 4 Comprobaciones jar nga̲tho ar proceso:

1. Inspección componentes

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4. Comprobación control hño 'be̲tho ar envío

Ya nt'a̲ni mäs frecuentes

Q:How to place order of B079 Good Condition LCD Display Microscope?


• Jar ndu̲i lugar, confirmamos ya detalles jar producto ne gem'bu̲ enviamos ar factura proforma,

• Gí ga realiza ar njut'i a través de T/T, Western Union wa ya MoneyGram,

• Después ja da confirmemos ár njut'i, bí enviemos ar producto 'nar pa terminada ar producción.

Q: ¿Tange ár garantía??


• 'Nar dätä xe̲ni ya productos, ar garantía pa ar pa 12 Ya zänä, 'Ra ya productos ofrecemos 18 ya zänä garantía.

• Pa ecografía abdominal embarazo ofrecemos 12 ya zänä garantía.

Q: ¿Tange ár pa entrega??


• Nu'bu̲ da nthe̲hu̲ ' 5 pa laborables nu'bu̲ ar mercancía xi stock. Boleto 10 pa laborables nu'bu̲ ar mercancía t'ot'e producción,

• Ne 'nehe ar pa entrega bi jagu̲ju̲ yá 'bede. Pa B079 Good Condition LCD Display Microscope ar 10 Pa laborables.

Q: Tema pe̲hni ar producto?


• Dets'e envío normalmente bi jagu̲ju̲ ár yá 'bede, CBM Nxoge ne be̲xu.

• Pe̲ts'u̲hu̲ ga ma 'nar nt'ot'ise̲ compañía envío pa proporcionar xi hño ar costo ar envío

Nu'bu̲ pe̲ts'i 'ra ya hñäki acerca ar Máquina laboratorio, wa gi ga pädi mäs detalles dige ar equipo veterinario, Máquina laboratorio, Mädi nuna ar Nthuts'i Hopital, etc. Welcome to contact us!

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  • Sally 10:12 AM, Nu'bya
    Hadi, Estimado ya 'ño̲ho̲ yá 'be̲hñä:, Bienvenidos ma sitio web! Dar Sally,¿Tema debo dirigir ga ma gí??