مصنوعات جا زمرا
نمايان مصنوعات اسان سان رابطو ڪريو

Best sale single channel numerical control pneumatic system
وڌيڪ تصويرون ڏسو

HC-I044 is a kind of pneumatic system for patients in hospital, easy to clean, beautiful and generous.

ڊيڄاريندڙ: اڳڪٿي لاءِ ڏنل غلط دليل() ۾ /www/wwwroot/www.happycaregroup.com/wp-content/themes/demo-461/single-product-pc.php آن لائن 212

پيداوار جي تفصيل
راءِ هاڻي

پيداوار جي معلومات

Uses: Suitable for hemostasis in limb surgery of surgical emergency room

Parameters: dial display pressure, accurate displayInitial inflation time: 50 secondsNoise: ≤60dB

Function: ≤25W

Power supply voltage: 220V/50HZ

Pressure range: 0-0.1Mpa

Timing range: 0-120min

Pressure control accuracy: ±3kpa

Working environment relative temperature: 5-40 ° C

Working environment relative humidity: ≤80%



Widely used in large hospitals, township hospitals, county hospitals.

Product advantages

Uses: Suitable for hemostasis in limb surgery of surgical emergency room

Parameters: dial display pressure, accurate displayInitial inflation time: 50 secondsNoise: ≤60dB

Function: ≤25W

Power supply voltage: 220V/50HZ

Pressure range: 0-0.1Mpa

Timing range: 0-120min

Pressure control accuracy: ±3kpa

Working environment relative temperature: 5-40 ° C

Working environment relative humidity: ≤80%


جيڪڏھن توھان وٽ ڪجھ مسئلا آھن operation equipments , يا ويٽ سامان بابت وڌيڪ تفصيل ڄاڻڻ چاهيو ٿا, ليبارٽري مشين, اسپتال جو فرنيچر, وغيره.

پنهنجو پيغام اسان ڏانهن موڪليو:
سلي سان ڳالهايو
اڳ ۾ ئي 1902 پيغام

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