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Good quality Integral reflection operation lamp with battery
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HC-I021 is a kind of operating lamp for patients in hospital, easy to clean, beautiful and generous.

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Informácie o produkte

HC-I021 shadowless operation lamp is suitable for the requirements of various operation conditions and it is ideal operating lighting equipment for modern operation rooms and clean operation rooms.
1.The imported switch power supply is adopted to control the voltage, making the work voltage permanently stable.
2.The removable handle sheath can be disinfected at the high temperature of 135 .
3.The special radiation filter reducing the heat to the minimum level.
4.The depolished panel is made of imported material makes the light rays softer.
5.The multi-flake retroreflector made of imported aluminum sheet, has the features of no coating film and never fading.
6.Light adjustment circuit adopts CPU control,enabling increase or decrease of illumination and boasting brightness



Široko používaný vo veľkých nemocniciach, mestských nemocníc, okresné nemocnice.

Výhody produktu

HC-I021 shadowless operation lamp is suitable for the requirements of various operation conditions and it is ideal operating lighting equipment for modern operation rooms and clean operation rooms.
1.The imported switch power supply is adopted to control the voltage, making the work voltage permanently stable.
2.The removable handle sheath can be disinfected at the high temperature of 135 .
3.The special radiation filter reducing the heat to the minimum level.
4.The depolished panel is made of imported material makes the light rays softer.
5.The multi-flake retroreflector made of imported aluminum sheet, has the features of no coating film and never fading.
6.Light adjustment circuit adopts CPU control,enabling increase or decrease of illumination and boasting brightness



Ak máte nejaké problémy o operation equipments , alebo chcete vedieť viac podrobností o vybavení veterinára, Laboratórny stroj, Nábytok pre nemocnice, atď.

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