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Portable hair removal IPL beauty machine
Va'ai nisi ata

HC-N008 can solve the problems of short service life, poor mechanical hardness, poor anti-laser effect, and bad cutoff effect and transmission effect of filters in the beauty field.

Lapataiga: Fa'aupuga le sa'o na tu'uina atu mo le fo'i() i totonu /www/wwwroot/ luga ole laina 212

Fa'amatalaga Oloa
Manatu Faaalia Nei

fa'amatalaga o oloa

IPL+RF working principles:
IPL+RF (Intense Pulsed Light) is a kind of light with high energy and broad wavelength, within the range from 420nm to 1200nm. Intense Pulsed Light with broad spectrum affects pigmentations, vascular lesions and hair follicles. Photochemical and photochemical action will be triggered by the radiation of IPL. Pigment is shattered and eliminated out of body through metabolism. Meanwhile, IPL will also promote collagen production, which can make the skin more flexible and smooth. The light with long wavelength can easily pass through epidermis layer to the hair follicles in the deep skin layer. At the targeted area, high energy occurs to destroy follicles and hair shaft, preventing regrowth of new hair.






IPL+RF working principles:
IPL+RF (Intense Pulsed Light) is a kind of light with high energy and broad wavelength, within the range from 420nm to 1200nm. Intense Pulsed Light with broad spectrum affects pigmentations, vascular lesions and hair follicles. Photochemical and photochemical action will be triggered by the radiation of IPL. Pigment is shattered and eliminated out of body through metabolism. Meanwhile, IPL will also promote collagen production, which can make the skin more flexible and smooth. The light with long wavelength can easily pass through epidermis layer to the hair follicles in the deep skin layer. At the targeted area, high energy occurs to destroy follicles and hair shaft, preventing regrowth of new hair.



• Tali i le taimi: Mo lau su'esu'ega uma, o le a matou taumafai i le mea sili e tali atu i totonu 24 itula

• Fa'amautinoaga Tulaga: Fa'alua siaki lelei a'o le'i lafoina, pe a faʻafitauli lelei o le a matou tuʻuina atu taui.

• I le taimi o felauaiga: E lafo lau oka pe a mae'a le fa'atonuga lelei

• I le taimi pe a uma le fa'atauga auaunaga: So'o se fesili pe a uma ona fa'atau atu o le a tali i totonu 24 itula.


• Sili atu 13 tausaga o le poto masani o le gaosiga o meafaigaluega faafomai

• Tuuina atu o meafaigaluega faafomai taugata tele

• Fa'atauga fa'apolofesa ma 'au tekinisia e nafa ma au fesili uma, ma sa'o i le tulaga.

• Fautuaga oloa eseese mo ou mana'oga eseese ma ese'ese le paketi.

O oloa uma ua mae'a e tatau ona uia 4 siaki i le faagasologa atoa:

1. Su'ega vaega

2. I le faagasologa o asiasiga

3. Su'esu'ega mulimuli a'o le'i teuina

4. Su'esu'ega lelei a'o le'i fa'atau


Q:How toilaiu orour of HC-N008 Portable hair removal IPL beauty machine



• Muamua matou te faʻamaonia faʻamatalaga o oloa ona lafo atu lea o le Proforma Invoice,

• E te faia se totogi ia i matou e ala i le T/T, Western Union poʻo MoneyGram,

• A maeʻa ona matou faʻamaonia lau totogi ona lafo lea o le oloa ia te oe pe a maeʻa le gaosiga.

Q: O le a lau warranty?


• Mo le tele o oloa o le warranty e mo 12 masina, nisi o oloa matou te saunia 18 masina fa'amaonia.

• Mo le masini ultrasound ma'itaga o le manava matou te saunia 12 masina fa'amaonia.

Q: O le a lau taimi e tu'uina atu ai?


• E masani lava 5 aso faigaluega pe afai o loʻo iai oloa. I totonu 10 aso faigaluega pe a manaʻomia le gaosiga o oloa,

• Ma fa'apea fo'i le taimi tu'uina atu e fa'alagolago i le aofa'i HC-N008 Portable hair removal IPL beauty machine

o le tilivaina mo 10 aso.

Q: Auala e lafo ai le oloa?


• O le auala felauaiga e masani ona fa'alagolago i lau aofa'i, atoa CBM ma le mamafa.

• E iai a matou kamupani va'a e tu'uina atu le tau sili ona lelei

Afai ei ai ni ou faafitauli e uiga i physical-and-beauty-equipment , pe fia iloa atili fa'amatalaga e uiga i mea faigaluega Vet, masini falesuesue, Fale Falema'i, ma isi.

Auina mai lau savali ia i matou:
Talanoa ma Sally
ua uma 1902 savali

  • Sally 15:12.PM  Mar.13,2025
    Talofa, lau pele/tama, fa'afeiloa'i i la matou upega tafa'ilagi! O aʻu o Sally,pe faapefea ona ou tautala atu ia te oe?