The corpse cold storage and freezing box /corpse cabinet is a series of product for hospital, funeral parlor, and postmortem examination department to store the corpse.
Precise temperature control system
The worldwide famous high-accuracy computer-controlled temperature system with original binding can maintain the temperature constancy in the box at 3±2℃ precisely. The temperature set-value can be adjusted at -18℃~5℃, and the temperature display precision is 0.1℃, the resolution is 0.1℃ and the adjusting increment is 0.1℃. The value is to be displayed through three-digital high-brightness figure.
The system has special high-resolution temperature calibrating function. That means the set-value figure can be displayed and calibrated at -10.0~10.0℃. The calibrating increment is 0.
The corpse cold storage and freezing box /corpse cabinet is a series of product for hospital, funeral parlor, and postmortem examination department to store the corpse.
Precise temperature control system
The worldwide famous high-accuracy computer-controlled temperature system with original binding can maintain the temperature constancy in the box at 3±2℃ precisely. The temperature set-value can be adjusted at -18℃~5℃, and the temperature display precision is 0.1℃, the resolution is 0.1℃ and the adjusting increment is 0.1℃. The value is to be displayed through three-digital high-brightness figure.
The system has special high-resolution temperature calibrating function. That means the set-value figure can be displayed and calibrated at -10.0~10.0℃. The calibrating increment is 0.
• Pindura nenguva: Pakubvunza kwako kwese, tichaedza zvatinokwanisa kuti tipindure mukati 24 maawa
• Kuvimbiswa Kwehutano: Chengetedza mhando mbiri usati watumirwa, kana dambudziko rehutano tichapa muripo.
• Nenguva yekutumira: Odha yako ichatumirwa kana wapedza kunaka kwekutonga
• Nenguva mushure mekutengesa mabasa: Chero mushure mekutengesa mubvunzo uchapindurwa mukati 24 maawa.
• Kupfuurisa 13 makore eruzivo rwemugadziri wemidziyo yekurapa
• Kupa michina yekurapa inodhura zvakanyanya
• Nyanzvi yekutengesa uye tekinoroji timu ine mutoro kune wese wako mubvunzo, uye ipapo chaipo.
• Kurudziro yezvigadzirwa zvakasiyana-siyana kune zvaunoda zvakasiyana uye bhajeti rakasiyana.
Zvese zvigadzirwa zvakapedzwa zvinofanirwa kupfuura 4 anoongorora maitiro ese:
1. Chikamu chekuongorora
2. Mukugadzirisa kuongorora
3. Kuongorora kwekupedzisira kusati kwarongedza
4. Kuongorora kwehutano kusati kwatumirwa
Q:How to place order of HC-P029 6 corpses funeral device mortuary dead body freeze
• Chekutanga tinosimbisa ruzivo rwechigadzirwa tozotumira Proforma Invoice,
• Unobhadhara kwatiri kuburikidza neT/T, Western Union kana MoneyGram,
• Mushure mekunge tasimbisa kubhadhara kwako totumira chigadzirwa kwauri kana wapedza kugadzira.
Q: Chii waranti yako?
• Pazvigadzirwa zvakawanda waranti ndeye 12 mwedzi, zvimwe zvigadzirwa zvatinopa 18 mwedzi waranti.
• Pamuviri wepamuviri ultrasound muchina watinopa 12 mwedzi waranti.
Q: Ndeipi nguva yako yekutumira?
• Kazhinji ndizvo 5 mazuva ekushanda kana zvinhu zviri mustock. Mukati 10 mazuva ekushanda kana zvinhu zvinoda kugadzirwa,
• And also the delivery time depends on quantity.For HC-P029 6 corpses funeral device mortuary dead body freeze iri delivery ye 10 mazuva.
Q: Nzira yekutumira chigadzirwa?
• Nzira yekutumira inowanzoenderana nehuwandu hwako, yakazara CBM uye uremu.
• Tine kambani yedu yekutumira kuti tipe mari yakanakisisa yekutumira
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