The stair stretcher is used to transport the patient in a small space such as a corridor, and is small in size and can be placed in the car.
Detailed description of DETAILED DESCRIPTION
1. The product is made of high-quality aluminum alloy material, which is light, safe and reliable, and is suitable for transporting patients in a small space.
2. There are telescopic folding handles on the front and back for easy lifting of the patient.
3. Equipped with four silent casters for easy implementation on the ground.
4. Foldable and foldable to reduce storage space and easy to carry.
Product size (length * width * height) (expanded): 52*48*91cm
Product size (length * width * height) (after folding): 91 * 52 * 19cm
Weight: 11kg
Bearing capacity: 160kg
Inoshandiswa zvakanyanya muzvipatara zvikuru, zvipatara zvetaundishipi, zvipatara zvedunhu.
The stair stretcher is used to transport the patient in a small space such as a corridor, and is small in size and can be placed in the car.
Detailed description of DETAILED DESCRIPTION
1. The product is made of high-quality aluminum alloy material, which is light, safe and reliable, and is suitable for transporting patients in a small space.
2. There are telescopic folding handles on the front and back for easy lifting of the patient.
3. Equipped with four silent casters for easy implementation on the ground.
4. Foldable and foldable to reduce storage space and easy to carry.
Product size (length * width * height) (expanded): 52*48*91cm
Product size (length * width * height) (after folding): 91 * 52 * 19cm
Weight: 11kg
Bearing capacity: 160kg
• Pindura nenguva: Pakubvunza kwako kwese, tichaedza zvatinokwanisa kuti tipindure mukati 24 maawa
• Kuvimbiswa Kwehutano: Chengetedza mhando mbiri usati watumirwa, kana dambudziko rehutano tichapa muripo.
• Nenguva yekutumira: Odha yako ichatumirwa kana wapedza kunaka kwekutonga
• Nenguva mushure mekutengesa mabasa: Chero mushure mekutengesa mubvunzo uchapindurwa mukati 24 maawa.
• Kupfuurisa 13 makore eruzivo rwemugadziri wemidziyo yekurapa
• Kupa michina yekurapa inodhura zvakanyanya
• Nyanzvi yekutengesa uye tekinoroji timu ine mutoro kune wese wako mubvunzo, uye ipapo chaipo.
• Kurudziro yezvigadzirwa zvakasiyana-siyana kune zvaunoda zvakasiyana uye bhajeti rakasiyana.
Zvese zvigadzirwa zvakapedzwa zvinofanirwa kupfuura 4 anoongorora maitiro ese:
1. Chikamu chekuongorora
2. Mukugadzirisa kuongorora
3. Kuongorora kwekupedzisira kusati kwarongedza
4. Kuongorora kwehutano kusati kwatumirwa
Q:How to place order of HC-J004 Medical stair stretcher in good condition
• Chekutanga tinosimbisa ruzivo rwechigadzirwa tozotumira Proforma Invoice,
• Unobhadhara kwatiri kuburikidza neT/T, Western Union kana MoneyGram,
• Mushure mekunge tasimbisa kubhadhara kwako totumira chigadzirwa kwauri kana wapedza kugadzira.
Q: Chii waranti yako?
• Pazvigadzirwa zvakawanda waranti ndeye 12 mwedzi, zvimwe zvigadzirwa zvatinopa 18 mwedzi waranti.
• Pamuviri wepamuviri ultrasound muchina watinopa 12 mwedzi waranti.
Q: Ndeipi nguva yako yekutumira?
• Kazhinji ndizvo 5 mazuva ekushanda kana zvinhu zviri mustock. Mukati 10 mazuva ekushanda kana zvinhu zvinoda kugadzirwa,
• Uye zvakare nguva yekuendesa zvinoenderana nehuwandu.For HC-J004 Medical stair stretcher in good condition
is delivery 10 mazuva.
Q: Nzira yekutumira chigadzirwa?
• Nzira yekutumira inowanzoenderana nehuwandu hwako, yakazara CBM uye uremu.
• Tine kambani yedu yekutumira kuti tipe mari yakanakisisa yekutumira
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