Qaybaha Alaabta Alaabta sifaysan Nala soo xiriir

High Quality Visual Artificial Insemination Gun for animals
Daawo sawiro badan

HC-R058C can display the temperature in the animal's vagina in real time, so that the staff can operate according to the temperature.

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Faahfaahinta Alaabta
Jawaab-celinta Hadda

macluumaadka alaabta

Size:40*20*10 cm,2kg





Artificial Insemination Gun built for various canine transcervical insemination. Consist of monitor, insemination gun and air pump. Commonly uses among dog breeders, kennels or dog reproduction center. Improves the success rate artificial insemination and fine breeds.

Product advantages

Species: dog/sheep/pig//horse etc all kinds of mammals.

Probe Material:stainless steel.

Led camera: led lamp

Power switch: Yes

Display :Display Screen

Haddii aad wax dhibaato ah ku qabtid Qalabka Vet, ama aad rabto inaad ogaato faahfaahin dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan qalabka Vet, Mashiinka shaybaadhka, Guryaha hopital, iwm. Welcome to contact us!

Fariintaada noo soo dir:
Kala hadal Sally
mar hore 1902 fariimaha

  • Sally 10:12 AM, Maanta
    Hello, mudane/ marwo, ku soo dhawaada mareegahayaga! Waxaan ahay Sally,sideen kuula hadlaa?