This product combines the 2015 international cardiopulmonary resuscitation standard, product features are fully upgraded, the importance of strengthening chest compressions, the use of a new generation of materials, more in line with the actual clinical CPR operation requirements. With a new generation of materials, it is durable and durable, and it is more than a new standard in the 15th edition. The anatomical features are obvious, the feel is real, the skin color is uniform, the shape is realistic, and the appearance is beautiful.Executive Standards: American Heart Association (AHA) 2015 International Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) & Cardiovascular Emergency (ECC) GuidelinesFeatures:★ Wireless connection: The analog person and the monitor are wirelessly connected via wifi.
This product combines the 2015 international cardiopulmonary resuscitation standard, product features are fully upgraded, the importance of strengthening chest compressions, the use of a new generation of materials, more in line with the actual clinical CPR operation requirements. With a new generation of materials, it is durable and durable, and it is more than a new standard in the 15th edition. The anatomical features are obvious, the feel is real, the skin color is uniform, the shape is realistic, and the appearance is beautiful.Executive Standards: American Heart Association (AHA) 2015 International Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) & Cardiovascular Emergency (ECC) GuidelinesFeatures:★ Wireless connection: The analog person and the monitor are wirelessly connected via wifi.
• Dina waktu reply: Pikeun sakabéh panalungtikan Anjeun, urang bakal coba pangalusna kami pikeun reply dina 24 jam
• Pamastian kualitas: Pariksa kualitas ganda sateuacan pangiriman, upami masalah kualitas kami bakal masihan santunan.
• Dina waktu pengiriman barang: Pesenan anjeun bakal dikirimkeun saatos réngsé kadali kualitas
• Dina waktu sanggeus jasa diobral: Sakur patarosan saatos jual bakal dijawab dina 24 jam.
• Langkung ti 13 pangalaman taun produsén alat médis
• Nyadiakeun alat médis pohara ongkos éféktif
• jualan profésional sarta tim teknisi jawab unggal patarosan anjeun, jeung katuhu ka titik.
• Rupa-rupa rekomendasi produk pikeun sagala rupa kabutuhan anjeun sarta anggaran béda.
Sadaya produk rengse kudu ngaliwatan 4 cék dina sakabéh prosés:
1. Inspeksi komponén
2. Dina ngolah pamariksaan
3. inspeksi ahir saméméh packing
4. Kontrol kualitas pariksa sateuacan pengiriman
Q:How to place order of HC-S009 Advanced Computer Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training resuscitation?
• Firstly kami mastikeun rinci produk lajeng ngirim Proforma Invoice,
• Anjeun mayar ka kami ngaliwatan T / T, Western Union atanapi MoneyGram,
• Saatos kami mastikeun pamayaran anjeun teras kirimkeun produk ka anjeun saatos produksi réngsé.
Q: Naon jaminan anjeun?
• Kanggo sabagéan ageung produk jaminan pikeun 12 bulan, sababaraha produk kami nyadiakeun 18 jaminan bulan.
• Pikeun mesin ultrasound kakandungan beuteung kami nyadiakeun 12 jaminan bulan.
Q: Naon waktos pangiriman anjeun?
• Umumna éta 5 poé gawé lamun barang di stock. Di jero 10 poé gawé lamun barang kudu produksi,
• Sarta ogé waktu pangiriman gumantung kana quantity.For HC-S009 Advanced Computer Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training resuscitation is delivery for 10 days.
Q: Kumaha ngirim produk?
• Cara pengiriman barang biasana gumantung kana kuantitas anjeun, total CBM jeung beurat.
• Urang boga parusahaan pengiriman barang urang sorangan nyadiakeun ongkos pengiriman barang pangalusna
Upami Anjeun gaduh sababaraha masalah ngeunaan ophthalmology , atanapi hoyong terang langkung seueur ngeunaan alat-alat Vet, Mesin laboratorium, Perabot Rumah Sakit, jsb.