The corpse cold storage and freezing box /corpse cabinet is a series of product for hospital, funeral parlor, and postmortem examination department to store the corpse.
Precise temperature control system
The worldwide famous high-accuracy computer-controlled temperature system with original binding can maintain the temperature constancy in the box at 3±2℃ precisely. The temperature set-value can be adjusted at -18℃~5℃, and the temperature display precision is 0.1℃, the resolution is 0.1℃ and the adjusting increment is 0.1℃. The value is to be displayed through three-digital high-brightness figure.
The system has special high-resolution temperature calibrating function. That means the set-value figure can be displayed and calibrated at -10.0~10.0℃. The calibrating increment is 0.
The corpse cold storage and freezing box /corpse cabinet is a series of product for hospital, funeral parlor, and postmortem examination department to store the corpse.
Precise temperature control system
The worldwide famous high-accuracy computer-controlled temperature system with original binding can maintain the temperature constancy in the box at 3±2℃ precisely. The temperature set-value can be adjusted at -18℃~5℃, and the temperature display precision is 0.1℃, the resolution is 0.1℃ and the adjusting increment is 0.1℃. The value is to be displayed through three-digital high-brightness figure.
The system has special high-resolution temperature calibrating function. That means the set-value figure can be displayed and calibrated at -10.0~10.0℃. The calibrating increment is 0.
• Jibu kwa wakati: Kwa uchunguzi wako wote, tutajaribu tuwezavyo kujibu ndani 24 masaa
• Ubora: Angalia ubora mara mbili kabla ya kusafirishwa, kama tatizo la ubora tutatoa fidia.
• Usafirishaji kwa wakati: Agizo lako litasafirishwa baada ya kumaliza udhibiti wa ubora
• Kwa wakati baada ya huduma za mauzo: Swali lolote baada ya kuuza litajibiwa ndani 24 masaa.
• Zaidi ya 13 uzoefu wa miaka wa mtengenezaji wa vifaa vya matibabu
• Kutoa vifaa vya matibabu vya gharama nafuu
• Timu ya wataalamu wa mauzo na mafundi wanaowajibika kwa kila swali lenu, na haki kwa uhakika.
• Mapendekezo mbalimbali ya bidhaa kwa mahitaji yako mbalimbali na bajeti tofauti.
Bidhaa zote za kumaliza lazima zipitie 4 hundi katika mchakato mzima:
1. Ukaguzi wa vipengele
2. Katika ukaguzi wa usindikaji
3. Ukaguzi wa mwisho kabla ya kufunga
4. Angalia udhibiti wa ubora kabla ya kusafirisha
Q:How to uklace order of HC-P029 6 corpses funeral device mortuary dead body freeze
• Kwanza tunathibitisha maelezo ya bidhaa na kisha kutuma ankara ya Proforma,
• Unatulipa kupitia T/T, Western Union au MoneyGram,
• Baada ya kuthibitisha malipo yako basi safirisha bidhaa kwako mara tu utayarishaji unapomaliza.
Q: Dhamana yako ni nini?
• Kwa bidhaa nyingi dhamana ni ya 12 miezi, baadhi ya bidhaa tunazotoa 18 udhamini wa miezi.
• Kwa mashine ya ultrasound ya mimba ya tumbo tunatoa 12 udhamini wa miezi.
Q: Wakati wako wa kujifungua ni ngapi?
• Kwa ujumla ni hivyo 5 siku za kazi ikiwa bidhaa ziko kwenye hisa. Ndani 10 siku za kazi ikiwa bidhaa zinahitaji uzalishaji,
• And also the delivery time depends on quantity.For HC-P029 6 corpses funeral device mortuary dead body freeze is delivery for 10 days.
Q: Jinsi ya kusafirisha bidhaa?
• Njia ya usafirishaji kwa kawaida hutegemea wingi wako, jumla ya CBM na uzito.
• Tuna kampuni yetu ya usafirishaji ili kutoa gharama bora za usafirishaji
Ikiwa una matatizo fulani kuhusu Refrigerator , au unataka kujua maelezo zaidi kuhusu vifaa vya Vet, Mashine ya maabara, Samani za Hospitali, na kadhalika.