1. Dynamic bar code indicator shows the pressing depth: the pressing depth is correct (5-6cm area). The bar code is displayed by green light. The pressing depth is not enough (less than 5cm). The bar code is yellow, and the pressing depth is too deep (greater than 6cm). Dynamic feedback shows the CPR compression depth.
2. Liquid crystal count display: Record the number of correct and incorrect presses (the pressure is too large, the pressing force is too small, and the pressing position is wrong).
3, 钜 chart statistics: a detailed chart, such as pressing correctly, pressing force is too large, pressing force is insufficient, pressing error, na kadhalika.
4, language prompts: Chinese voice prompts, detailed tips for the specific reason for pressing the error so that the trainer can correct in time.
1. Dynamic bar code indicator shows the pressing depth: the pressing depth is correct (5-6cm area). The bar code is displayed by green light. The pressing depth is not enough (less than 5cm). The bar code is yellow, and the pressing depth is too deep (greater than 6cm). Dynamic feedback shows the CPR compression depth.
2. Liquid crystal count display: Record the number of correct and incorrect presses (the pressure is too large, the pressing force is too small, and the pressing position is wrong).
3, 钜 chart statistics: a detailed chart, such as pressing correctly, pressing force is too large, pressing force is insufficient, pressing error, na kadhalika.
4, language prompts: Chinese voice prompts, detailed tips for the specific reason for pressing the error so that the trainer can correct in time.
• Jibu kwa wakati: Kwa uchunguzi wako wote, tutajaribu tuwezavyo kujibu ndani 24 masaa
• Ubora: Angalia ubora mara mbili kabla ya kusafirishwa, kama tatizo la ubora tutatoa fidia.
• Usafirishaji kwa wakati: Agizo lako litasafirishwa baada ya kumaliza udhibiti wa ubora
• Kwa wakati baada ya huduma za mauzo: Swali lolote baada ya kuuza litajibiwa ndani 24 masaa.
• Zaidi ya 13 uzoefu wa miaka wa mtengenezaji wa vifaa vya matibabu
• Kutoa vifaa vya matibabu vya gharama nafuu
• Timu ya wataalamu wa mauzo na mafundi wanaowajibika kwa kila swali lenu, na haki kwa uhakika.
• Mapendekezo mbalimbali ya bidhaa kwa mahitaji yako mbalimbali na bajeti tofauti.
Bidhaa zote za kumaliza lazima zipitie 4 hundi katika mchakato mzima:
1. Ukaguzi wa vipengele
2. Katika ukaguzi wa usindikaji
3. Ukaguzi wa mwisho kabla ya kufunga
4. Angalia udhibiti wa ubora kabla ya kusafirisha
Q:How to uklace order of HC-S104 Advanced full-featured nursing training simulator
• Kwanza tunathibitisha maelezo ya bidhaa na kisha kutuma ankara ya Proforma,
• Unatulipa kupitia T/T, Western Union au MoneyGram,
• Baada ya kuthibitisha malipo yako basi safirisha bidhaa kwako mara tu utayarishaji unapomaliza.
Q: Dhamana yako ni nini?
• Kwa bidhaa nyingi dhamana ni ya 12 miezi, baadhi ya bidhaa tunazotoa 18 udhamini wa miezi.
• Kwa mashine ya ultrasound ya mimba ya tumbo tunatoa 12 udhamini wa miezi.
Q: Wakati wako wa kujifungua ni ngapi?
• Kwa ujumla ni hivyo 5 siku za kazi ikiwa bidhaa ziko kwenye hisa. Ndani 10 siku za kazi ikiwa bidhaa zinahitaji uzalishaji,
• Na pia muda wa kujifungua unategemea wingi.Kwa HC-S104 Advanced full-featured nursing training simulator
is delivery for 10 days.
Q: Jinsi ya kusafirisha bidhaa?
• Njia ya usafirishaji kwa kawaida hutegemea wingi wako, jumla ya CBM na uzito.
• Tuna kampuni yetu ya usafirishaji ili kutoa gharama bora za usafirishaji
Ikiwa una matatizo fulani kuhusu ophthalmology , au unataka kujua maelezo zaidi kuhusu vifaa vya Vet, Mashine ya maabara, Samani za Hospitali, na kadhalika.