i ni'a
Te mau tuhaa o te mau tao'a
Te mau tao'a i tuuhia i roto A farerei mai ia matou

Advanced full-featured nursing training simulator
A hi'o i te tahi atu â mau hoho'a

HC-S104 can display the internal organs and systems of the human body in a comprehensive, multi-directional and intuitive way, and show the position of organs and systems in the human body in an accurate way, which is convenient for teaching and medical practice.

Faaararaa: Te mau mana'o hape tei horo'ahia no te hoê taime roa() i roto i te /www/wwwroot/www.happycaregroup.com/wp-content/themes/demo-461/single-product-pc.php i ni'a i te reni 212

Tuhaa no te mau hoho'a
Mana'o i teie nei

Haamaramaramaraa no te haponoraa

1. Dynamic bar code indicator shows the pressing depth: the pressing depth is correct (5-6cm area). The bar code is displayed by green light. The pressing depth is not enough (less than 5cm). The bar code is yellow, and the pressing depth is too deep (greater than 6cm). Dynamic feedback shows the CPR compression depth.
2. Liquid crystal count display: Record the number of correct and incorrect presses (the pressure is too large, the pressing force is too small, and the pressing position is wrong).
3, 钜 chart statistics: a detailed chart, such as pressing correctly, pressing force is too large, pressing force is insufficient, pressing error, e te tahi atu â.
4, language prompts: Chinese voice prompts, detailed tips for the specific reason for pressing the error so that the trainer can correct in time.


Te mau faaohiparaa

1. Dynamic bar code indicator shows the pressing depth: the pressing depth is correct (5-6cm area). The bar code is displayed by green light. The pressing depth is not enough (less than 5cm). The bar code is yellow, and the pressing depth is too deep (greater than 6cm). Dynamic feedback shows the CPR compression depth.
2. Liquid crystal count display: Record the number of correct and incorrect presses (the pressure is too large, the pressing force is too small, and the pressing position is wrong).
3, 钜 chart statistics: a detailed chart, such as pressing correctly, pressing force is too large, pressing force is insufficient, pressing error, e te tahi atu â.
4, language prompts: Chinese voice prompts, detailed tips for the specific reason for pressing the error so that the trainer can correct in time.






• Ia tae i te hora ti'a: No te mau mea atoa ta outou e uiui, e tamata ïa tatou i te pahono atu i roto i te 24 Te mau hora

• Te haapapuraa maitai: E piti huru hi'opoaraa maitai na mua ' ' e i te haponoraa, mai te mea e, e fifi to tatou, e faaho'i ïa tatou.

• Ia tae i te hora: E haponohia ta outou poro'i ia oti ana'e te hi'opo'araa

• I te hora i muri a'e i te hooraa: E pahonohia te mau uiraa atoa i muri a'e i te hooraa 24 Te mau hora.


• Hau atu i te 13 Te mau matahiti aravihi i te pae no te rapaauraa ma'i

• Horoaraa i te mau tauihaa rapaauraa moni rahi

• Te mau hooraa e te mau pǔpǔ aravihi i te pae no te mau matini e haapao ra i ta outou mau uiraa atoa, e tae noa'tu i te hopea.

• Te mau tauihaa taa ê no te haamâha i to outou mau hinaaro taa ê e ta outou tabula haamau'araa taa ê.

E tia ia ravehia te mau tao'a atoa i oti 4 te mau hi'opo'araa i roto i te taatoaraa o te ohipa:

1. Hi'opo'araa i te matini

2. I roto i te hi'opo'araa

3. Hi'opo'araa hopea na mua a'e i te hi'opo'

4. Hi'opo'araa maitai na mua a'e i te haponoraa


Q:How to place order of HC-S104 Advanced full-featured nursing training simulator



• Na mua roa, e haapapu tatou i te mau haamaramaramaraa no nia i te mau tauihaa e i muri iho e hapono atu ai i te Proforma Invoice,

• E aufau outou ia matou na roto i te T/T, Amuitahiraa i te pae Tooa o te râ aore ra i te pae moni,

• I muri a'e i to matou haapapûraa i ta outou aufauraa i muri iho a faaho'i atu ai i te tao'a ia outou tei oti i te hamanihia.

Q: Eaha to outou mana'o?


• No te rahiraa o te mau tao'a, no te 12 te mau ava'e, te tahi mau tao'a ta tatou e horo'a nei 18 Te mau ava'e.

• No te matini hi'opo'araa o te opu ta tatou e horo'a nei 12 Te mau ava'e.

Q: Eaha te taime fanauraa?


• I te rahiraa o te taime, o te 5 e rave i te ohipa i te mau mahana atoa mai te mea e, e haaputuhia te mau tauihaa. I roto 10 te mau mahana ohipa mai te mea e, e titauhia ia hamani i te mau tauihaa,

• E ua taai - atoa - hia te taime opereraa i te rahiraa. No te mea HC-S104 Advanced full-featured nursing training simulator

Te mau Mana'o Tauturu no te 10 Te mau nota.

Q: Nafea ia hamani i te tao'a?


• Ua taaihia te e'a pahi i ta outou rahiraa, Te mau CBM e te faito teiaha.

• Te vai ra ta tatou iho taiete pahi no te aufau i te mau haamâu'araa maitai roa ' ' e no te haponoraa

Mai te mea e, e fifi to outou no ni'a i te ophthalmology , e aore râ, te hinaaro nei au ia ite i te tahi atu â mau haamaramaramaraa no ni'a i te mau mauhaa tama'i, Te matini i roto i te mau piha maimiraa, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te tuatapaparaa e te haapiiraa, e te tahi atu â.

Te mau tapa'o faahoro parau:
A hapono mai i ta oe poro'i ia matou nei:
Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa e te aparauraa
Ua oti a'ena 1902 te mau parau poro'i

  • Sally 10:12 AM, I teie mahana
    Iaorana, Sir/madam, E tae mai i ni'a i ta tatou tahua itenati! Te maere nei au,nahea vau i te a'o atu ia oe?