product information Transcutaneous jaundice meter measures bilirubin transcutaneously. jaundice meter is an accurate, non-invasive device that will assist you in management of neonatal jaundice. And transfer into bilirubin according to bilirubin list.…
Ko'proq o'qish SO'ROVGA QO'SHISHproduct information SpecificationPower Supply:AC110V~220V 60/50Hz Power input:120VARadiant Wavelength:400nm~550nm Total Irradiance for bilirubin:1300µ W/cm2 Height Adjust Range:1300~1600mm Pitching angle of phototherapy head:-90o~+90oTime Accurancy:1min/12hIntegral time range:0h~9999h59min Applications Used for constant temperature culture, body…
Ko'proq o'qish SO'ROVGA QO'SHISHmahsulot haqida ma'lumot Mikroprotsessorga asoslangan servo boshqariladigan harorat tizimi Boshqarish rejimi: Havo rejimi Namlik ikki darajaga sozlanishi Haroratni o'rnating, havo harorati, isitish quvvati LEDSelf tomonidan alohida ko'rsatiladi - sinov funktsiyasi, turli xil nosozlik signallari…
Ko'proq o'qish SO'ROVGA QO'SHISHmahsulot haqida ma'lumot ◎E010A asosida, qo'shish: ◎O'rnatilgan past bosimli aspirator, ◎LED fototerapiya qurilmasi, ◎PVX chaqaloq reanimatori ilovalari Doimiy haroratli madaniyat uchun ishlatiladi, tana haroratini reanimatsiya qilish, qon quyish, kislorod yetkazib berish, qutqarish, shifoxona kuzatuvi,…
Ko'proq o'qish SO'ROVGA QO'SHISHmahsulot haqida ma'lumot ◎Mikroprotsessorga asoslangan servo nazorat ostida harorat tizimi ◎Uch rejim: oldindan qizdirish, qo'lda va avtomatik ◎Harorat va teri harorati ko'rsatkichini alohida o'rnating ◎Radiatsiya manbai uchun portlashga qarshi mikrokristal kvarts ◎O'z-o'zidan - sinov funktsiyasi, har xil…
Ko'proq o'qish SO'ROVGA QO'SHISHmahsulot haqida ma'lumot Mikroprotsessorga asoslangan servo boshqariladigan harorat tizimi Boshqarish rejimlari: Havo rejimi va chaqaloq terisi rejimi Namlikni ko'rsatish tizimi Haroratni o'rnating, havo harorati, chaqaloq teri harorati, namlik, taymer va isitish quvvati ko'rsatiladi…
Ko'proq o'qish SO'ROVGA QO'SHISHproduct information Features: Microprocessor based servo controlled temperature system Control modes: Air mode Humidity is adjustable continuously Set temperature, havo harorati, heating power are displayed separately by LED Self - sinov funktsiyasi, har xil…
Ko'proq o'qish SO'ROVGA QO'SHISHproduct information ■ The ventilator adopts microcomputer control with high-definition TFT color LCD display , integrating the functions of respiratory control displaying the monitoring parameters. It is versatile in function and excellent in…
Ko'proq o'qish SO'ROVGA QO'SHISHproduct information 1.Main body: High-strength engineering plastic rack, light,beautiful and corrosion resistant 2.Scope of application: adult, child 3.Gas source : O2: 0.27~0.55MPa 4.Flow meter : O2: 0.1~2L/min 2.5~10L/min 5.Flow rate of rapid oxygen…
Ko'proq o'qish SO'ROVGA QO'SHISHproduct information Feature: Specially user for big animal and small animal anesthesia ventilator,could widely apply in vet hospital,animal R&D institute,university laboratory,animal clinic,animal zoo,va hokazo. 1,Compact and salve the space. 2,Light and easy to move,save…
Ko'proq o'qish SO'ROVGA QO'SHISHproduct information The ventilator is aerodynamic, electronic-controll several respiratory modes, functions can be set ttory rate, inspiratory time, tidal volume parameter to achieve management of the patient breathe, There are Japanese Sharp large…
Ko'proq o'qish SO'ROVGA QO'SHISHproduct information The ventilator is aerodynamic, electronic-controll several respiratory modes, functions can be set ttory rate, inspiratory time, tidal volume parameter to achieve management of the patient breathe, There are Japanese Sharp large…
Ko'proq o'qish SO'ROVGA QO'SHISHmahsulot haqida ma'lumot 1. Display mode: High-definition 8.4” TFT color LCD screen display 2. Ventilation mode:IPPV, SIPPV, SIMV, PEEP, MANUAL, SIGH 3. Ventilation parameters: Tidal volume 50~1500 ml Rate 2~99 bpm SIMV rate 2~20…
Ko'proq o'qish SO'ROVGA QO'SHISHproduct information 1.Main body High-strength engineering plastic rack, light, beautiful and corrosion resistant 2. Gas source O2: 0.27~0.55MPa N2O: 0.27~0.55MPa 3. Flow meter O2 : 0.1~1.0L/min 1.1~10L/min N20: 0.1~1.0L/min 1.1~10L/min Air : 0.1~10L/min…
Ko'proq o'qish SO'ROVGA QO'SHISHproduct information Display mode High-definition 5.7” LCD screen display Ventilation mode IPPV, SIPPV, SIMV, PEEP, MANUAL, SIGHVentilation parameters Tidal volume 50~1500ml Rate 2~99bpmSIMV rate 2~20bpmI:E 2:1~1:8 Inspiratory trigger pressure -1.0~2.0 kPa PEEP 0~2.0…
Ko'proq o'qish SO'ROVGA QO'SHISH