Mahsulot toifalari Tanlangan mahsulotlar Biz bilan bog'lanish

Advanced Computer Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training resuscitation
Ko'proq rasmlarni ko'ring

HC-S009 can display the internal organs and systems of the human body in a comprehensive, multi-directional and intuitive way, and show the position of organs and systems in the human body in an accurate way, which is convenient for teaching and medical practice.

Ogohlantirish: Foreach uchun noto‘g‘ri argument berilgan() ichida /www/wwwroot/www.happycaregroup.com/wp-content/themes/demo-461/single-product-pc.php onlayn 212

Mahsulot detali
Endi fikr bildiring

mahsulot haqida ma'lumot

This product combines the 2015 international cardiopulmonary resuscitation standard, product features are fully upgraded, the importance of strengthening chest compressions, the use of a new generation of materials, more in line with the actual clinical CPR operation requirements. With a new generation of materials, it is durable and durable, and it is more than a new standard in the 15th edition. The anatomical features are obvious, the feel is real, the skin color is uniform, the shape is realistic, and the appearance is beautiful.Executive Standards: American Heart Association (AHA) 2015 International Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) & Cardiovascular Emergency (ECC) GuidelinesFeatures:★ Wireless connection: The analog person and the monitor are wirelessly connected via wifi.



This product combines the 2015 international cardiopulmonary resuscitation standard, product features are fully upgraded, the importance of strengthening chest compressions, the use of a new generation of materials, more in line with the actual clinical CPR operation requirements. With a new generation of materials, it is durable and durable, and it is more than a new standard in the 15th edition. The anatomical features are obvious, the feel is real, the skin color is uniform, the shape is realistic, and the appearance is beautiful.Executive Standards: American Heart Association (AHA) 2015 International Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) & Cardiovascular Emergency (ECC) GuidelinesFeatures:★ Wireless connection: The analog person and the monitor are wirelessly connected via wifi.






• O'z vaqtida javob berish: Barcha so'rovlaringiz uchun, ichida javob berishga harakat qilamiz 24 soat

• Sifatni tekshirish: Yuk tashishdan oldin ikki marta sifatni tekshiring, agar sifat muammosi bo'lsa, biz kompensatsiya beramiz.

• O'z vaqtida yetkazib berish: Buyurtmangiz sifat nazorati tugagandan so'ng jo'natiladi

• O'z vaqtida sotishdan keyingi xizmatlar: Sotishdan keyingi har qanday savolga javob beriladi 24 soat.

BIZNING ustunligimiz

• Bundan ko'proq 13 tibbiy asbob-uskunalar ishlab chiqaruvchining ko'p yillik tajribasi

• Yuqori tejamkor tibbiy asbob-uskunalar bilan ta'minlash

• Sizning har bir savolingiz uchun mas'ul bo'lgan professional savdo va texnik guruh, va to'g'ri nuqtaga.

• Sizning har xil ehtiyojingiz va har xil byudjetingiz uchun turli xil mahsulot tavsiyalari.

Barcha tayyor mahsulotlar o'tishi kerak 4 butun jarayonni tekshiradi:

1. Komponentni tekshirish

2. Qayta ishlash tekshiruvida

3. Qadoqlashdan oldin yakuniy tekshirish

4. Yuk tashishdan oldin sifat nazorati


Q:How to place order of HC-S009 Advanced Computer Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training resuscitation?


• Avval mahsulot tafsilotlarini tasdiqlaymiz va keyin Proforma hisob-fakturani yuboramiz,

• Siz bizga T/T orqali to'lovni amalga oshirasiz, Western Union yoki MoneyGram,

• To'lovingizni tasdiqlaganimizdan so'ng, ishlab chiqarishni tugatgandan so'ng mahsulotni sizga jo'natamiz.

Q: Sizning kafolatingiz qanday?


• Ko'pgina mahsulotlar uchun kafolat beriladi 12 oylar, biz taqdim etadigan ba'zi mahsulotlar 18 oylik kafolat.

• Qorin bo'shlig'i homiladorlik ultratovush apparati uchun biz taqdim etamiz 12 oylik kafolat.

Q: Sizning yetkazib berish vaqtingiz qancha?


• Umuman shunday 5 agar tovarlar zaxirada bo'lsa, ish kunlari. Ichida 10 agar tovarlar ishlab chiqarishga muhtoj bo'lsa, ish kunlari,

• Va shuningdek, yetkazib berish muddati miqdoriga bog'liq.For HC-S009 Advanced Computer Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training resuscitation is delivery for 10 kunlar.

Q: Mahsulotni qanday jo'natish kerak?


• Yuk tashish usuli odatda sizning miqdoringizga bog'liq, umumiy CBM va og'irlik.

• Eng yaxshi yuk tashish narxini ta'minlash uchun o'z yuk tashish kompaniyamiz bor

Agar sizda biron bir muammo bo'lsa ophthalmology , yoki veterinar uskunalari haqida ko'proq ma'lumot olishni xohlaysiz, Laboratoriya mashinasi, Kasalxona mebellari, va hokazo.

Xabaringizni bizga yuboring:
Sally bilan suhbatlashing
allaqachon 1902 xabarlar

  • Sally 10:12 AM, Bugun
    Salom, Hurmatli janob / xonim, veb-saytimizga xush kelibsiz! Men Sallyman,sizga qanday murojaat qilishim kerak?