The length is 29 inches by 73 centimeters
Weight 170g with battery
Vibrating film size 30 mm
Power supply DC 3V
Battery Type 2 Pairs AAA (1.5V)
Battery life more than 60 soat
Data cable length 9.8 ft /3 m
Katta shifoxonalarda keng qo'llaniladi, shahar kasalxonalari, tuman kasalxonalari.
The length is 29 inches by 73 centimeters
Weight 170g with battery
Vibrating film size 30 mm
Power supply DC 3V
Battery Type 2 Pairs AAA (1.5V)
Battery life more than 60 soat
Data cable length 9.8 ft /3 m
Agar sizda biron bir muammo bo'lsa preliminary-diagnosis , yoki veterinar uskunalari haqida ko'proq ma'lumot olishni xohlaysiz, Laboratoriya mashinasi, Kasalxona mebellari, va hokazo.