Polystyrene / Transparent benzene / PS
Product description:
The product is made of high-transparency and high-quality polypropylene material, which can be sterilized at high temperature and pressure. The unique sealing design makes the pipe wall smooth and burr-free. It can effectively prevent the leakage of specimens, has good tolerance performance, and can be sterilized by radiation. Resistant to high and low temperature, no deformation, no leakage, can be operated with one hand during experiment, easy to open the lid. The smooth inner wall guarantees maximum sample recovery.
Widely used in large hospitals, township hospitals, county hospitals.
Polystyrene / Transparent benzene / PS
Product description:
The product is made of high-transparency and high-quality polypropylene material, which can be sterilized at high temperature and pressure. The unique sealing design makes the pipe wall smooth and burr-free. It can effectively prevent the leakage of specimens, has good tolerance performance, and can be sterilized by radiation. Resistant to high and low temperature, no deformation, no leakage, can be operated with one hand during experiment, easy to open the lid. The smooth inner wall guarantees maximum sample recovery.
• Phendula ngexesha: Kuwo wonke umbuzo wakho, siya kuzama konke okusemandleni ethu ukuphendula ngaphakathi 24 iiyure
• Ukuqinisekisa umgangatho: Jonga umgangatho ophindwe kabini phambi kokuthunyelwa, ukuba ingxaki yomgangatho siya kunika imbuyekezo.
• Ngexesha lokuthumela ngenqanawa: Iodolo yakho iya kuthunyelwa wakuba ugqibile ukulawula umgangatho
• Ngexesha emva kweenkonzo zentengiso: Nawuphi na umbuzo emva kwentengiso uya kuphendulwa ngaphakathi 24 iiyure.
• Engaphezulu kwe 13 iminyaka yamava omenzi wezixhobo zonyango
• Ukubonelela ngezixhobo zonyango ezingabizi kakhulu
• Iqela leengcali zokuthengisa kunye neengcali ezinoxanduva lombuzo ngamnye wenu, kwaye ngqo kwinqanaba.
• Iingcebiso ngeemveliso ezahlukeneyo kwiimfuno zakho ezahlukeneyo kunye nohlahlo lwabiwo-mali olwahlukileyo.
Zonke iimveliso ezigqityiweyo kufuneka zidlule 4 ijonga yonke inkqubo:
1. Ukuhlolwa kwecandelo
2. Ekuhloleni inkqubo
3. Ukuhlolwa kokugqibela ngaphambi kokupakisha
4. Ukuhlolwa kokulawulwa komgangatho ngaphambi kokuthunyelwa
Q:How to place order of HC-K004 High performance hard test tube
• Okokuqala siqinisekisa iinkcukacha zemveliso size sithumele i-invoyisi yeProforma,
• Usenza intlawulo kuthi nge-T/T, Western Union okanye MoneyGram,
• Emva kokuba siqinisekise intlawulo yakho emva koko sithumele imveliso kuwe xa sele uyigqibile imveliso.
Q: Yintoni iwaranti yakho?
• Kwiimveliso ezininzi iwaranti yeye 12 iinyanga, ezinye iimveliso sibonelela 18 iinyanga iwaranti.
• Ngomatshini we-ultrasound wokukhulelwa kwesisu esibonelela ngawo 12 iinyanga iwaranti.
Q: Lithini ixesha lakho lokuhambisa?
• Ngokubanzi kunjalo 5 iintsuku zokusebenza ukuba iimpahla zikhoyo. Ngaphakathi 10 iintsuku zokusebenza ukuba iimpahla zidinga ukuveliswa,
• Kwaye kwakhona ixesha lokuhambisa lixhomekeke kubungakanani.Kuba HC-K004 High performance hard test tube
is delivery 10 days.
Q: Indlela yokuthumela imveliso?
• Indlela yokuthumela ngenqanawa ngokuqhelekileyo ixhomekeke kubuninzi bakho, I-CBM epheleleyo kunye nobunzima.
• Sinenkampani yethu yokuthumela ngenqanawa ukubonelela ngeendleko zokuthumela ezingcono
Ukuba uneengxaki malunga disposable-material , okanye ufuna ukwazi iinkcukacha ezithe vetshe malunga nezixhobo zeVet, Umatshini weLebhu, Ifenitshala yeZibhedlele, njl.