Bluetooth easy ECG monitor in good condition
- Display Mode: Color LCD display
- The number of measuring channel: Single channel ECG signal.
- Resolution: 240*160
- Screen Size (mm): 40*57.6
- Signal Input: Single embedded metal electrodes or external lead wire
- Lead Selections & Measuring Modes: Quick measurement by embedded electordes; Measurement by external electrodes with lead wires (single channel for Lead I, II, or III)
- ECG Bandwidth: 1-40Hz
- Internal Noise Level: Less than or equal to 30uVp-p
- Heart Rate Range: 30-240bpm
- Heart Rate Accuracy: ±2bpm or ±2%, whichever is greater
- Display Scale: 5mm/mV ±10%
- Wave Form Sweeping Speed: 20mm/s±10%
- Measurement Time: 30 seconds per test
- Dimensions (mm): 125*70*21.5
- Net Weight (without Batteries): 106g
- Voltage: DC 5.0V/1.0A
Widely used in large hospitals, township hospitals, county hospitals.
- Display Mode: Color LCD display
- The number of measuring channel: Single channel ECG signal.
- Resolution: 240*160
- Screen Size (mm): 40*57.6
- Signal Input: Single embedded metal electrodes or external lead wire
- Lead Selections & Measuring Modes: Quick measurement by embedded electordes; Measurement by external electrodes with lead wires (single channel for Lead I, II, or III)
- ECG Bandwidth: 1-40Hz
- Internal Noise Level: Less than or equal to 30uVp-p
- Heart Rate Range: 30-240bpm
- Heart Rate Accuracy: ±2bpm or ±2%, whichever is greater
- Display Scale: 5mm/mV ±10%
- Wave Form Sweeping Speed: 20mm/s±10%
- Measurement Time: 30 seconds per test
- Dimensions (mm): 125*70*21.5
- Net Weight (without Batteries): 106g
- Voltage: DC 5.0V/1.0A
• núukik tu k'iinili'.: Utia'al tuláakal u consultas, Yaan k meentik tuláakal u páajtal utia'al u núukik ichil 24 horas
• yilik ka' yaanak ma'alob u calidad: Naaj kanik calidad bey ma' le envío, Wa jach juntúul talamil calidad, ti' ko'on k ts'aajik jump'éel compensación.
• envío tu k'iinili'.: U pedido yaan túuxtik juntéene' finalizado le kaambalil yo'osal calidad
• yéetel postventa tu k'iinili'.: Je'el k'áat chi' postventa yaan u respondida ichil 24 horas.
• más u 13 ja'ab yaan bey fabricante nu'ukulo'ob ts'aako'ob
• ts'aik nu'ukulo'ob ts'aako'ob u ma'alob rentables
• le nu'ukulil le ventas yéetel técnicos responsable u Amal jump'éel u k'áat chi'oba', Ka beetaj ich le grano.
• ya'abkach recomendaciones yik'áalil yo'osal u kúuchilo'ob kajtalo'ob ichil jejeláas presupuestos.
Tuláakal le yik'áalil terminados yaan u máan tumen 4 Comprobaciones ti' le tuukula':
1. Inspección componentes
2. Ti' le inspección procesamiento
3. Inspección final bey ma' u embalaje
4. Comprobación kanik calidad bey ma' le envío
Q:How to pljump'éelce order of HC-H006B Bluetooth easy ECG monitor in good condition?
• tu yáax kúuchil, confirmamos detalles le producto ka tu láak' k tuuxtej le factura proforma,
• tech k beeta'al le bo'ol ti' t'aano' leti' t'aano', Western Union wa MoneyGram,
• ti' ka' confirmemos u bo'ol, ti' enviemos u producto jump'éel terminada le producción.
Q: Máakalmáak u yilik ka' yaanak ma'alob?
• utia'al u óol tuláakal le máasewáalo'obo' ti' le yik'áalil, u yilik ka' yaanak ma'alob u ti'al 12 Wi'inal, Yaan yik'áalil ofrecemos 18 wi'inal yilik ka' yaanak ma'alob.
• utia'al u ecografía abdominal ti' le embarazo ofrecemos 12 wi'inal yilik ka' yaanak ma'alob.
Q: Máakalmáak u k'iinil k'u'ubul?
Ku jach 5 k'iino'ob laborables wa u mercancía yaan stock. Ichil 10 k'iino'ob laborables wa u mercancía K'abéet producción,
• yéetel xan le k'iin k'u'ubul yaantal yo'osal u le cantidad. Utia'al HC-H006B Bluetooth easy ECG monitor in good condition
is delivery 10 K'iino'.
Q: Bix túuxtik le producto?
• u páajtalil envío normalmente yaantal yo'osal u u cantidad, CBM total yéetel peso.
• to'on k kajnáalo'ob compañía envío utia'al u ts'aik u utsil tojol envío
Wa yaan yaan talamilo'ob tu yo'olal ECG-EMG-EEG , wa a wojeltik asab detalles yóok'ol le nu'ukulil le veterinario, Máquina laboratorio, Mobiliario Hopital, etc.