Advanced elderly venipuncture training arm modelThe fully simulated old arm is absolutely unique in vision and feel, the skin is thin and the blood vessels are looming. When students use this to practice puncture, they can train them to be caring for elderly patients and have sufficient patience in clinical work. Noj: The skin is thin and wrinkled, the subcutaneous fat is less, the vascular flexural elasticity is poor, the workmanship is fine, and the puncture difficulty is increased. The anatomical structure is fine, with cephalic vein, expensive vein, and median vein of elbow. All blood vessels can be punctured. All blood vessels can be trained in puncture infusion and blood draw. There is a sense of resistance when puncture, there is a clear sense of falling when successful.
Widely used in large hospitals, township hospitals, county hospitals.
• núukik tu k'iinili'.: Utia'al tuláakal u consultas, Yaan k meentik tuláakal u páajtal utia'al u núukik ichil 24 horas
• yilik ka' yaanak ma'alob u calidad: Naaj kanik calidad bey ma' le envío, Wa jach juntúul talamil calidad, ti' ko'on k ts'aajik jump'éel compensación.
• envío tu k'iinili'.: U pedido yaan túuxtik juntéene' finalizado le kaambalil yo'osal calidad
• yéetel postventa tu k'iinili'.: Je'el k'áat chi' postventa yaan u respondida ichil 24 horas.
• más u 13 ja'ab yaan bey fabricante nu'ukulo'ob ts'aako'ob
• ts'aik nu'ukulo'ob ts'aako'ob u ma'alob rentables
• le nu'ukulil le ventas yéetel técnicos responsable u Amal jump'éel u k'áat chi'oba', Ka beetaj ich le grano.
• ya'abkach recomendaciones yik'áalil yo'osal u kúuchilo'ob kajtalo'ob ichil jejeláas presupuestos.
Tuláakal le yik'áalil terminados yaan u máan tumen 4 Comprobaciones ti' le tuukula':
1. Inspección componentes
2. Ti' le inspección procesamiento
3. Inspección final bey ma' u embalaje
4. Comprobación kanik calidad bey ma' le envío
Q:How topljump'éelce order of HC-S159 Senior venous puncture training arm model?
• tu yáax kúuchil, confirmamos detalles le producto ka tu láak' k tuuxtej le factura proforma,
• tech k beeta'al le bo'ol ti' t'aano' leti' t'aano', Western Union wa MoneyGram,
• ti' ka' confirmemos u bo'ol, ti' enviemos u producto jump'éel terminada le producción.
Q: Máakalmáak u yilik ka' yaanak ma'alob?
• utia'al u óol tuláakal le máasewáalo'obo' ti' le yik'áalil, u yilik ka' yaanak ma'alob u ti'al 12 Wi'inal, Yaan yik'áalil ofrecemos 18 wi'inal yilik ka' yaanak ma'alob.
• utia'al u ecografía abdominal ti' le embarazo ofrecemos 12 wi'inal yilik ka' yaanak ma'alob.
Q: Máakalmáak u k'iinil k'u'ubul?
Ku jach 5 k'iino'ob laborables wa u mercancía yaan stock. Ichil 10 k'iino'ob laborables wa u mercancía K'abéet producción,
• yéetel xan le k'iin k'u'ubul yaantal yo'osal u le cantidad. Utia'al HC-S159 Senior venous puncture training arm model
Leti' u k'u'ubul utia'al 10 K'iino'.
Q: Bix túuxtik le producto?
• u páajtalil envío normalmente yaantal yo'osal u u cantidad, CBM total yéetel peso.
• to'on k kajnáalo'ob compañía envío utia'al u ts'aik u utsil tojol envío
Wa yaan yaan talamilo'ob tu yo'olal BIX , wa a wojeltik asab detalles yóok'ol le nu'ukulil le veterinario, Máquina laboratorio, Mobiliario Hopital, etc.