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Veterinary Portable videoendoscope system special for dog and cat pets
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HC-R068 can achieve endoscopic imaging, and the resulting image resolution is high. The system was tested by simulating mucosal lesions of oral ulcer. It was proved that the system can detect mucosal lesions effectively, and the detection rate of lesions was up to 90.0%. With clear imaging and small diameter of the mirror, the system can greatly improve the comfort of endoscopy for patients and provide an ideal solution for the primary screening of digestive tract diseases.

Detalle le producto
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A'alajil t'aan ti' le producto

HC-R068 angle: 110 degrees

Observation depth: 3-100mm

Insertion tube diameter: 7.5mm

Clamping tube diameter: 2.2mm

Working length: 1050mm

Bending angle: 210 degrees above, 90 degrees below, 100 degrees to the left and right




Developed specifically for animal inspection, this product is suitable for the inspection of the digestive tract of animals of all sizes. This endoscope connects directly to a computer and displays images on the computer and generates inspection reports directly for easy storage and printing.

Product advantages

HC-R068 angle: 110 degrees

Observation depth: 3-100mm

Insertion tube diameter: 7.5mm

Clamping tube diameter: 2.2mm

Working length: 1050mm

Bending angle: 210 degrees above, 90 degrees below, 100 degrees to the left and right


• núukik tu k'iinili'.: Utia'al tuláakal u consultas, Yaan k meentik tuláakal u páajtal utia'al u núukik ichil 24 horas

• yilik ka' yaanak ma'alob u calidad: Naaj kanik calidad bey ma' le envío, Wa jach juntúul talamil calidad, ti' ko'on k ts'aajik jump'éel compensación.

• envío tu k'iinili'.: U pedido yaan túuxtik juntéene' finalizado le kaambalil yo'osal calidad

• yéetel postventa tu k'iinili'.: Je'el k'áat chi' postventa yaan u respondida ichil 24 horas.


• más u 13 ja'ab yaan bey fabricante nu'ukulo'ob ts'aako'ob

• ts'aik nu'ukulo'ob ts'aako'ob u ma'alob rentables

• le nu'ukulil le ventas yéetel técnicos responsable u Amal jump'éel u k'áat chi'oba', Ka beetaj ich le grano.

• ya'abkach recomendaciones yik'áalil yo'osal u kúuchilo'ob kajtalo'ob ichil jejeláas presupuestos.

Tuláakal le yik'áalil terminados yaan u máan tumen 4 Comprobaciones ti' le tuukula':

1. Inspección componentes

2. Ti' le inspección procesamiento

3. Inspección final bey ma' u embalaje

4. Comprobación kanik calidad bey ma' le envío

Jejeláas k'at chi'ob

Q:How to place order of R068 Veterinary Portable videoendoscope system special for dog and cat pets?


• tu yáax kúuchil, confirmamos detalles le producto ka tu láak' k tuuxtej le factura proforma,

• tech k beeta'al le bo'ol ti' t'aano' leti' t'aano', Western Union wa MoneyGram,

• ti' ka' confirmemos u bo'ol, ti' enviemos u producto jump'éel terminada le producción.

Q: Máakalmáak u yilik ka' yaanak ma'alob?


• utia'al u óol tuláakal le máasewáalo'obo' ti' le yik'áalil, u yilik ka' yaanak ma'alob u ti'al 12 Wi'inal, Yaan yik'áalil ofrecemos 18 wi'inal yilik ka' yaanak ma'alob.

• utia'al u ecografía abdominal ti' le embarazo ofrecemos 12 wi'inal yilik ka' yaanak ma'alob.

Q: Máakalmáak u k'iinil k'u'ubul?


Ku jach 5 k'iino'ob laborables wa u mercancía yaan stock. Ichil 10 k'iino'ob laborables wa u mercancía K'abéet producción,

• yéetel xan le k'iin k'u'ubul yaantal yo'osal u le cantidad. Utia'al R068 Veterinary Portable videoendoscope system special for dog and cat pets is 10 working days.

Q: Bix túuxtik le producto?


• u páajtalil envío normalmente yaantal yo'osal u u cantidad, CBM total yéetel peso.

• to'on k kajnáalo'ob compañía envío utia'al u ts'aik u utsil tojol envío

Wa yaan yaan talamilo'ob tu yo'olal Nu'ukulil veterinario, wa a wojeltik asab detalles yóok'ol le nu'ukulil le veterinario, Máquina laboratorio, Mobiliario Hopital, etc. Welcome to contact us!

Túuxtik k a k'uuben t'aano':
Chatea yéetel Sally
Ts'o'ok 1902 Mensajes

  • Sally 10:12 AM, Bejla'e'
    Hola, Estimado máako' leti' ko'olelo':, Bienvenidos u k ts'ono'oto' web! Tene' Sally,Wáaj bix K'a'abet in dirigir in tech.?