Good Condition used CBC test machine

BC-5180 is a device used to perform a complete blood count (CBC) or hemogram. Veterinary hematology analyzer also called CBC machine, which is the device helps clinic conducting blood cell count of animals. It is targeted to fulfill and exceedthe demands of our global customers by providing more accurate, more efficient and more innovative solutions for labs.

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  • Technical SpecificationsPrinciples– Impedance method for RBC and PLT counting Cyanide free reagent for hemoglobin test Flow Cytometry (FCM) + Tri-angle laser scatter + Chemical dye method for WBC 5-part dierential analysis and WBC counting
  • Parameters 25 reportable parameters: WBC, Lym%, Mon%, Neu%, Bas%, Eos%,Lym#, Mon#, Neu#, Eos#, Bas#, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW-CV, RDW-SD, PLT, MPV, PDW, PCT, P-LCR, P-LCC. 10 Research parameters include LIC%, LIC#, ALY%, ALY#, PLT Clumps#, PLT Clumps%, Lip#, Lip%, NRBC#, NRBC%3 histograms for WBC, RBC and PLT3 scattergrams for WBC differential
  • Reagent– M-52D Diluent, M-52DIFF lyse, M-52LH lyse, probe cleanser
  • Sample Volume– Prediluted mode 20 uL | Whole blood mode 15 uL | Capillary whole blood mode 15 uL
  • Printout– External Thermal printer/Laser printer / Inkjet printer, various printout formats and User-dened formats



BC-5180 offers a great solution for clinical labs, especially for those who have limited space. Its compact foot-print is a result of innovative technology improvements, including miniaturized semi-conductor laser source, highly integrated electronic boards and optimized liquid handling system.


  • Technical SpecificationsPrinciples– Impedance method for RBC and PLT counting Cyanide free reagent for hemoglobin test Flow Cytometry (FCM) + Tri-angle laser scatter + Chemical dye method for WBC 5-part dierential analysis and WBC counting
  • Parameters 25 reportable parameters: WBC, Lym%, Mon%, Neu%, Bas%, Eos%,Lym#, Mon#, Neu#, Eos#, Bas#, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW-CV, RDW-SD, PLT, MPV, PDW, PCT, P-LCR, P-LCC. 10 Research parameters include LIC%, LIC#, ALY%, ALY#, PLT Clumps#, PLT Clumps%, Lip#, Lip%, NRBC#, NRBC%3 histograms for WBC, RBC and PLT3 scattergrams for WBC differential
  • Reagent– M-52D Diluent, M-52DIFF lyse, M-52LH lyse, probe cleanser
  • Sample Volume– Prediluted mode 20 uL | Whole blood mode 15 uL | Capillary whole blood mode 15 uL
  • Printout– External Thermal printer/Laser printer / Inkjet printer, various printout formats and User-dened formats


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• 質量保證: 發貨前雙重質量檢查, 如果質量有問題,我哋將給予賠償.

·準時發貨: 一旦完成質量控制,您的訂單將發貨

·準時售後服務: 任何售後問題將在內得到答覆 24 小時.


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所有成品都必須經過 4 全程檢查:

1. 部件檢測

2. 加工中檢驗

3. 包裝前嘅最終檢驗

4. 發貨前嘅質素控制檢查


Q:How to place order of BC-5180 Good Condition used CBC test machine?



·你透過電匯向我哋付款, 西聯匯款或速匯金,


Q: 您的保脩係乜嘢?


·對於大多數產品,保修適用於 12 月份, 我哋提供嘅一些產品 18 月保修.

·對於我哋提供嘅腹部妊娠超聲機 12 月保修.

Q: 你哋嘅交貨時間係幾點?


·一般係 5 如果貨物有庫存,則工作日. 係 10 如果貨物需要生產,則工作日,

• 交貨時間也取決於數量。 為 BC-5180 Good Condition used CBC test machine 係 10 工作日.

Q: 如何運送產品?


• 運輸方式通常取決於您的數量, 總煤層氣和重量.

• 我們有自己的運輸公司,以提供最佳的運輸成本

如果您對以下方面有一些問題 實驗室機器, 或想了解有關獸醫設備嘅更多詳細信息, 實驗室機器, 醫院家具, 等. 歡迎與我哋聯繫!

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