Medical 12 Inch LED display full digital portable ultrasound scanner

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Happycare HC-A002 Ultrasound machine preprogramed multiple language options, light and portable design, and much clear image than similar black & white vet ultrasound.



Display Modes

3.5MHz/R60 convex array probe:B,B/B,4B,B+M,M

5 MHz/R20 Dimpling array probe:B

6.5MHz/R13 Dimpling array probe:B
7.5 MHz/L40 Line array probe:B

Image Mutiplying Factor

3.5MHz/R60 convex array probe: x0.8, x1.0, x1.2, x1.5,x1 .8, x2.0
( 6modes)x0.8, x2.0 (display penetration depth)
6.5MHz/R13 Dimpling array probe: x0.8, x1.0, x1.2, x1.5 (4 modes)
7.5MHz/L40 Line array probe: x0.8, x1.0, x1.2, x1.5 (4 modes)


magnify 2 times of real time image

Dynamic Range

0~120dB ajustable

Focus Position

1,2,3 and 4-segments dynamic electron focusing

Image Processing:

γcorrection, frame correlation,point correlation, line correlation, digital filtering, digital edge enhancement and pseudo color processing, 等.

According to the user’s pattern style preference, the parameter will be set up automatically and saved ,Boot default this parameter. This default of parameter can aslo be modified in the menue.

Frequency Conversion:

2.5MHz/3.0MHz/3.5MHz/4.0MHz/5.0MHz five periods of frequency conversion
frequency range applies 5.5 MHz/6.0 MHz/6.5 MHz/7.0 MHz/7.5MHz can match high frequency probe

Measuring Function

Distance,circumference/area (method of ellipse, method of loci), volume, heart rate, gestational weeks (BPD,GS,CRL,FL,HL,OFD,TTD,交流 ), expected date of confinement and fetus weight, 等.

Annotation Function

hospital name, patient’s name, age and gender
64 body marks (with probe’s position);
Full-screen character annotation; Real-time clock display

Puncture Guide

3.5MHz convex array probe can display puncture guide line in B mode

Gain Control

8 segments TGC and overall gain can be adjusted respectively

Image Polarity

left and right flip, black and white flip, up and down flip

Capacity Cine Loop

real time display 256 consecutive images which are memorized successively

Image Playback

series playback or check one by one

Permanent Storage:

128 images

Output Interface

VGA video output offers connection to SVGA color display
PAL video output offers connection to PAL display and printer
video image recorder and image workstation, 等

USB Port

Offers storing images in USB flash disk


Portable ultrasound machine is a useful tools in pet hospital and clinic, widely used for pet pregnancy, body parts diagnostic, abdominal, cardiac scan and urinary system check.


1. Mass memory , cine loop and permanent storage.

2. Radium Caved buttons and Silicon backlit buttons to be chosen;

3. Intelligent fluorescence trackball.

4. 8-segment TGC control. Overall Gain control

5. 2 USB ports , Upgraded and expandable printer function;

6. 2probe connectors. Probe automatic identfication;

7. 2SVGA video outputs and 21 PAL video outputs offer connection to video image recorder and image workstation. 等.

8. Report page is generated automatically.

9. According to the user’s pattern style preference, the parameter will be set up automatically and saved,

Boot default this parameter. This default of parameter can aslo be modified in the menue.

Project cases


·準時回覆: 對於您的所有詢問, 我哋將盡力喺內部回覆 24 小時

• 質量保證: 發貨前雙重質量檢查, 如果質量有問題,我哋將給予賠償.

·準時發貨: 一旦完成質量控制,您的訂單將發貨

·準時售後服務: 任何售後問題將在內得到答覆 24 小時.


• 超過 13 多年醫療設備製造商經驗


·專業嘅銷售和技術團隊負責您的每一個問題, 開門見山.


所有成品都必須經過 4 全程檢查:

1. 部件檢測

2. 加工中檢驗

3. 包裝前嘅最終檢驗

4. 發貨前嘅質素控制檢查


Q: How to place order of HC-A013C color doppler ultrasound machine?



·你透過電匯向我哋付款, 西聯匯款或速匯金,


Q: For ultrasound machine, how does the 3D function work and what it is?

一個: For our HC-A013C color doppler ultrasound machine, it shows static 3D image when diagnostic obstetric scan of baby, it display 3 dimension of fetus. And make it clear to viewing.

Q: 您的保脩係乜嘢?


·對於大多數產品,保修適用於 12 月份, 我哋提供嘅一些產品 18 月保修.

·對於我哋提供嘅腹部妊娠超聲機 12 月保修.

Q: 你哋嘅交貨時間係幾點?


·一般係 5 如果貨物有庫存,則工作日. 係 10 如果貨物需要生產,則工作日,

• And also the delivery time depends on quantity. For HC-A013C portable ultrasound machine the delivery time is 10 工作日.

Q: 如何運送產品?


• 運輸方式通常取決於您的數量, 總煤層氣和重量.

• We have our own shipping company to provide best shipping cost and efficient way.

如果您對以下方面有一些問題 超聲波, 或想了解有關獸醫設備嘅更多詳細信息, 實驗室機器, 醫院家具, 等. 歡迎與我哋聯繫!

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  • 莎莉 06:55.AM  Mar.13,2025
    你好, 尊敬嘅先生/女士, 歡迎訪問我哋嘅網站! 我係莎莉,我應該如何稱呼你?