Happycare HC-A015 Ultrasound machine preprogramed multiple language options, light and portable design, and much clear image than similar black & white ultrasound.
1, High resolution medical LED monitor;
2, Large angle rotatable free arm;
3, Rotatable and backlit keyboard design;
4, Friendly user's operation interface;
5, Crystal clear 2D image and sensitive Color Doppler blood flow imaging system;
6, Built-in 500G large capacity hard disc, mass storage;
7, Four active probe connectors;
8, Light weight design, the net weight is 65kg;
9, Based on PC platform, have abundant peripheral, can upgrade the system according to customer Requirement and be compatible with a various of printers;
10, Multi-language software for choose (Chinese, 英文, Spanish, Russian, Persian and French);
11, Can be updated to CW function, panorama imaging, 4D (option), 等;
.Tumor: malignant tumor (extrahepatic growing, inverted;), intestinal tumor(colon cancer, rectal cancer), gastic polyp;
. Inflammation and ulcer: chronic gastritis, menetrier, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
. Congenital abnormality of gestrointestinal tract: congenital pyloric stenosis; gestrointestinal double malformation;
. Acute gastrectasis, gastric execise dysfunction; gastric foreign body; gastroptosis etc; general examination of liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, urinary system and etc.
1, High resolution medical LED monitor;
2, Large angle rotatable free arm;
3, Rotatable and backlit keyboard design;
4, Friendly user’s operation interface;
5, Crystal clear 2D image and sensitive Color Doppler blood flow imaging system;
6, Built-in 500G large capacity hard disc, mass storage;
7, Four active probe connectors;
8, Light weight design, the net weight is 65kg;
9, Based on PC platform, have abundant peripheral, can upgrade the system according to customer Requirement and be compatible with a various of printers;
10, Multi-language software for choose (Chinese, 英文, Spanish, Russian, Persian and French);
11, Can be updated to CW function, panorama imaging, 4D (option), 等;
·準時回覆: 對於您的所有詢問, 我哋將盡力喺內部回覆 24 小時
• 質量保證: 發貨前雙重質量檢查, 如果質量有問題,我哋將給予賠償.
·準時發貨: 一旦完成質量控制,您的訂單將發貨
·準時售後服務: 任何售後問題將在內得到答覆 24 小時.
• 超過 13 多年醫療設備製造商經驗
·專業嘅銷售和技術團隊負責您的每一個問題, 開門見山.
所有成品都必須經過 4 全程檢查:
1. 部件檢測
2. 加工中檢驗
3. 包裝前嘅最終檢驗
4. 發貨前嘅質素控制檢查
Q: How to place order of A015 Medical use trolley color doppler 4D ultrasound machine?
·你透過電匯向我哋付款, 西聯匯款或速匯金,
Q: 您的保脩係乜嘢?
·對於大多數產品,保修適用於 12 月份, 我哋提供嘅一些產品 18 月保修.
·對於我哋提供嘅腹部妊娠超聲機 12 月保修.
Q: 你哋嘅交貨時間係幾點?
• Generally it is 5 如果貨物有庫存,則工作日. 係 10 如果貨物需要生產,則工作日,
• 交貨時間也取決於數量。 為 A015 Medical use trolley color doppler 4D ultrasound machine the delivery time is 10 工作日.
Q: 如何運送產品?
• 運輸方式通常取決於您的數量, 總煤層氣和重量.
• 我們有自己的運輸公司,以提供最佳的運輸成本
如果您對以下方面有一些問題 超聲波, 或想了解有關獸醫設備嘅更多詳細信息, 實驗室機器, 醫院家具, 等. 歡迎與我哋聯繫!