Izigaba Zemikhiqizo Imikhiqizo efakiwe Xhumana nathi

Advanced Computer Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training resuscitation
Bona ezinye izithombe

HC-S009 can display the internal organs and systems of the human body in a comprehensive, indlela eneziqondiso eziningi futhi enembile, futhi ubonise indawo yezitho nezinhlelo emzimbeni womuntu ngendlela enembile, okuyinto elula ukufundisa kanye nezokwelapha.

Isexwayiso: Ukungqubuzana okungavumelekile kuhlinzekwe kumuntu ngamunye() phakathi /www/wwwroot/ kulayini 212

Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo
Impendulo Manje

ulwazi lomkhiqizo

This product combines the 2015 international cardiopulmonary resuscitation standard, product features are fully upgraded, the importance of strengthening chest compressions, the use of a new generation of materials, more in line with the actual clinical CPR operation requirements. With a new generation of materials, it is durable and durable, and it is more than a new standard in the 15th edition. The anatomical features are obvious, the feel is real, the skin color is uniform, the shape is realistic, and the appearance is beautiful.Executive Standards: American Heart Association (AHA) 2015 International Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) & Cardiovascular Emergency (ECC) GuidelinesFeatures:★ Wireless connection: The analog person and the monitor are wirelessly connected via wifi.


Izinhlelo zokusebenza

This product combines the 2015 international cardiopulmonary resuscitation standard, product features are fully upgraded, the importance of strengthening chest compressions, the use of a new generation of materials, more in line with the actual clinical CPR operation requirements. With a new generation of materials, it is durable and durable, and it is more than a new standard in the 15th edition. The anatomical features are obvious, the feel is real, the skin color is uniform, the shape is realistic, and the appearance is beautiful.Executive Standards: American Heart Association (AHA) 2015 International Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) & Cardiovascular Emergency (ECC) GuidelinesFeatures:★ Wireless connection: The analog person and the monitor are wirelessly connected via wifi.






• Phendula ngesikhathi: Kuwo wonke uphenyo lwakho, sizozama konke okusemandleni ethu ukuphendula ngaphakathi 24 amahora

• Ukuqinisekisa ikhwalithi: Hlola ikhwalithi ephindwe kabili ngaphambi kokuthunyelwa, uma inkinga yekhwalithi sizonikeza isinxephezelo.

• Ukuthunyelwa ngesikhathi: I-oda lakho lizothunyelwa uma usuqedile ukulawula ikhwalithi

• Ngesikhathi ngemuva kwezinsizakalo zokuthengisa: Noma yimuphi umbuzo wangemuva kokudayiswa uzophendulwa ngaphakathi 24 amahora.


• Ngaphezu kwe 13 isipiliyoni seminyaka somkhiqizi wemishini yezokwelapha

• Ukuhlinzeka ngemishini yezokwelapha engabizi kakhulu

• Ithimba lezokuthengisa nochwepheshe elibhekele yonke imibuzo yenu, futhi ngqo ephuzwini.

• Izincomo zemikhiqizo ehlukahlukene ngesidingo sakho esihlukahlukene kanye nesabelomali esihlukile.

Yonke imikhiqizo eqediwe kufanele idlule 4 ihlola yonke inqubo:

1. Ukuhlolwa kwengxenye

2. Ekucubunguleni ukuhlolwa

3. Ukuhlolwa kokugcina ngaphambi kokupakisha

4. Hlola ukulawulwa kwekhwalithi ngaphambi kokuthunyelwa


Q:How to place order of HC-S009 Advanced Computer Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training resuscitation?


• Okokuqala siqinisekisa imininingwane yomkhiqizo bese sithumela i-invoyisi ye-Proforma,

• Usikhokhela nge-T/T, I-Western Union noma i-MoneyGram,

• Ngemva kokuqinisekisa inkokhelo yakho bese sithumela umkhiqizo kuwena uma sesiqedile ukukhiqiza.

Q: Iyini iwaranti yakho?


• Ngemikhiqizo eminingi iwaranti ingeye 12 izinyanga, eminye imikhiqizo esiyihlinzekayo 18 iwaranti yezinyanga.

• Ngomshini we-ultrasound wokukhulelwa kwesisu esiwuhlinzekayo 12 iwaranti yezinyanga.

Q: Sithini isikhathi sakho sokulethwa?


• Ngokuvamile kunjalo 5 izinsuku zokusebenza uma izimpahla zisesitokweni. Ngaphakathi 10 izinsuku zokusebenza uma izimpahla zidinga ukukhiqizwa,

• kanye nesikhathi sokulethwa kuncike kubuningi .Ngokuba HC-S009 Advanced Computer Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training resuscitation is delivery for 10 izinsuku.

Q: Indlela yokuthumela umkhiqizo?


• Indlela yokuthumela ngokuvamile incike ebuningini bakho, isamba se-CBM nesisindo.

• Sinenkampani yethu yokuthumela ukuze sinikeze izindleko ezihamba phambili zokuthumela

Uma unezinkinga ezithile mayelana i-ophthalmology , noma ufuna ukwazi imininingwane eyengeziwe mayelana nemishini ye-Vet, Umshini waselabhorethri, Ifenisha Yasesibhedlela, njll.

Thumela umlayezo wakho kithi:
Xoxa no-Sally
kakade 1902 imiyalezo

  • Sally 10:12 AM, Namuhla
    Sawubona, mnumzane/nkosikazi othandekayo, wamukelekile kuwebhusayithi yethu! Mina ngingu-Sally,kufanele ngikukhulume kanjani?