1. The product complies with the national standard of GB/T13800-2009 "Manual Wheelchair";
2. Frame: It is welded and formed by Ф22mm X1.2mm high-quality steel pipes, adopts fixed armrests, fixed foot rests, foldable back design, reliable locking device, good safety performance, and electrostatic spray treatment on the surface;
3. Front wheel: 6-inch solid front wheel, equipped with one-piece stamped metal arm, high strength and no deformation.
4. Rear wheel: 16-inch solid one-piece wheel, not easy to deform, high comfort.
5. Brake: The steel toggle type brake device is adopted, and the brake device is lower than the seat surface after braking, which is convenient for users to get on and off the car; the rear handle is equipped with a hand-linked brake with brake function.
It is mainly used in major hospitals, township health centers and community health service centers.
1. The product complies with the national standard of GB/T13800-2009 "Manual Wheelchair";
2. Frame: It is welded and formed by Ф22mm X1.2mm high-quality steel pipes, adopts fixed armrests, fixed foot rests, foldable back design, reliable locking device, good safety performance, and electrostatic spray treatment on the surface;
3. Front wheel: 6-inch solid front wheel, equipped with one-piece stamped metal arm, high strength and no deformation.
4. Rear wheel: 16-inch solid one-piece wheel, not easy to deform, high comfort.
5. Brake: The steel toggle type brake device is adopted, and the brake device is lower than the seat surface after braking, which is convenient for users to get on and off the car; the rear handle is equipped with a hand-linked brake with brake function.
• Phendula ngesikhathi: Kuwo wonke uphenyo lwakho, sizozama konke okusemandleni ethu ukuphendula ngaphakathi 24 amahora
• Ukuqinisekisa ikhwalithi: Hlola ikhwalithi ephindwe kabili ngaphambi kokuthunyelwa, uma inkinga yekhwalithi sizonikeza isinxephezelo.
• Ukuthunyelwa ngesikhathi: I-oda lakho lizothunyelwa uma usuqedile ukulawula ikhwalithi
• Ngesikhathi ngemuva kwezinsizakalo zokuthengisa: Noma yimuphi umbuzo wangemuva kokudayiswa uzophendulwa ngaphakathi 24 amahora.
• Ngaphezu kwe 13 isipiliyoni seminyaka somkhiqizi wemishini yezokwelapha
• Ukuhlinzeka ngemishini yezokwelapha engabizi kakhulu
• Ithimba lezokuthengisa nochwepheshe elibhekele yonke imibuzo yenu, futhi ngqo ephuzwini.
• Izincomo zemikhiqizo ehlukahlukene ngesidingo sakho esihlukahlukene kanye nesabelomali esihlukile.
Yonke imikhiqizo eqediwe kufanele idlule 4 ihlola yonke inqubo:
1. Ukuhlolwa kwengxenye
2. Ekucubunguleni ukuhlolwa
3. Ukuhlolwa kokugcina ngaphambi kokupakisha
4. Hlola ukulawulwa kwekhwalithi ngaphambi kokuthunyelwa
Q:How to place ordIS of HC-M086B Cheap price Wheelchair?
• Okokuqala siqinisekisa imininingwane yomkhiqizo bese sithumela i-invoyisi ye-Proforma,
• Usikhokhela nge-T/T, I-Western Union noma i-MoneyGram,
• Ngemva kokuqinisekisa inkokhelo yakho bese sithumela umkhiqizo kuwena uma sesiqedile ukukhiqiza.
Q: Iyini iwaranti yakho?
• Ngemikhiqizo eminingi iwaranti ingeye 12 izinyanga, eminye imikhiqizo esiyihlinzekayo 18 iwaranti yezinyanga.
• Ngomshini we-ultrasound wokukhulelwa kwesisu esiwuhlinzekayo 12 iwaranti yezinyanga.
Q: Sithini isikhathi sakho sokulethwa?
• Ngokuvamile kunjalo 5 izinsuku zokusebenza uma izimpahla zisesitokweni. Ngaphakathi 10 izinsuku zokusebenza uma izimpahla zidinga ukukhiqizwa,
• kanye nesikhathi sokulethwa kuncike kubuningi .Ngokuba HC-M086B Cheap price Wheelchair IS 10 izinsuku zokusebenza.
Q: Indlela yokuthumela umkhiqizo?
• Indlela yokuthumela ngokuvamile incike ebuningini bakho, isamba se-CBM nesisindo.
• Sinenkampani yethu yokuthumela ukuze sinikeze izindleko ezihamba phambili zokuthumela
Uma unezinkinga ezithile mayelana Ifenisha Yasesibhedlela, noma ufuna ukwazi imininingwane eyengeziwe mayelana nemishini ye-Vet, Umshini waselabhorethri, Ifenisha Yasesibhedlela, njll. Siyakwamukela ukuxhumana nathi!