Izigaba Zemikhiqizo Imikhiqizo efakiwe Xhumana nathi

High Quality Visual Artificial Insemination Gun for animals
Bona ezinye izithombe

HC-R058C can display the temperature in the animal's vagina in real time, so that the staff can operate according to the temperature.

Isexwayiso: Ukungqubuzana okungavumelekile kuhlinzekwe kumuntu ngamunye() phakathi /www/wwwroot/ kulayini 212

Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo
Impendulo Manje

ulwazi lomkhiqizo

Size:40*20*10 cm,2kg




Izinhlelo zokusebenza

Artificial Insemination Gun built for various canine transcervical insemination. Consist of monitor, insemination gun and air pump. Commonly uses among dog breeders, kennels or dog reproduction center. Improves the success rate artificial insemination and fine breeds.

Izinzuzo zomkhiqizo

Species: dog/sheep/pig//horse etc all kinds of mammals.

Probe Material:stainless steel.

Led camera: led lamp

Power switch: Yes

Bonisa :Display Screen

Uma unezinkinga ezithile mayelana Izinsiza Zezilwane, noma ufuna ukwazi imininingwane eyengeziwe mayelana nemishini ye-Vet, Umshini waselabhorethri, Ifenisha Yasesibhedlela, njll. Siyakwamukela ukuxhumana nathi!

Thumela umlayezo wakho kithi:
Xoxa no-Sally
kakade 1902 imiyalezo

  • Sally 10:12 AM, Namuhla
    Sawubona, mnumzane/nkosikazi othandekayo, wamukelekile kuwebhusayithi yethu! Mina ngingu-Sally,kufanele ngikukhulume kanjani?